Hey. Hey. Please don’t compare or even give the optics of comparing pedophiles with LGBTQ. Do. NOT.
Hey. Hey. Please don’t compare or even give the optics of comparing pedophiles with LGBTQ. Do. NOT.
Oh, so it gets a pass because it’s optional? Good to know.
Except she’s not 13 in the show, they aged her up, and that scene along with all the other sexual violence towards women remains one of the most detested and spoken against parts of the show’s history.
I’m astonished this even got released. And for the people arguing that this is fantasy? Ok. Let’s talk about that.
If Japan could just A, have sexual themes in their games that didn’t feel like they were written by horny 13 year olds and B, stop sexualizing kids and flirting with the pedo audience, I will never say a bad thing about them again.
I don’t know where you work, but where most people work, if someone has received multiple credible sexual harassment complaints from fellow employees, they don’t get to keep continue working there for months and months as though nothing has happened, until the entire legal process plays out. They just get fired. If…
if they don’t like the job they can just leave...
I’d rather have unions and games take twice as long to make tbh
Yeah, I’d definitely rather focus on the fact that she shared, like, a thing implying that grieving parents’ pain was false then the fact that she’s not the best voice actor.
yeah, when I keep a man’s photo on my desk for 25 years after I last saw him, it’s usually due to a general interest
What’s it like to wake up and decide to be the guy who’s gonna go to bat for a dude who wouldn’t stop jerking off in front of a woman until she actually beat the fuck out of him?
Wow! Thank you. Thank you for making my day with what will definitely be the dumbest thing I come across today. It’s entertaining whether you actually believe that or not. I’m hoping not.
It did.
You wouldn’t have the grounds. Any type of sexual contact OR behavior (doesn’t have to involve contact) that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient is considered sexual assault. She had the right to defend herself.
Sorry to break it to you, they exist in rural areas too.
Sansa and Gendry.
Brienne of Tarth and Tormund Giantsbane and Jaime Lannister — Go hard or go home.
It seems you need an anatomy lesson.