
This is a pretty pedantic response. If someone says “I can’t drive” I don’t take it to mean that they are physically incapable of ever driving anything ever, but that they don’t know how. When people tell me they can’t cook, I understand it the same way.

why waste her time cookin’ when she’s so obviously smokin’?

“As a leftist, I’m sick of all these marginalized people taking away attention from the true victims: straight white men."

Wow for somebody who's supposedly seen combat you sure cry a lot at a bunch of trivial bullshit. What was your unit, the fucking Salvation Army?

Aren’t you afraid that if you write ‘regressive leftist’ three times in a post, Nancy Pelosi will appear and eat your face?

Say ‘regressive leftist’ again.

Her actual quote about a completely different film

1. Brie Larson never said that about Captain Marvel. She was referring to reviewers for A Wrinkle In Time. So you’re indisputably wrong about that.

Christ almighty, you’re such a transparently disingenuous liar.

I’m a left winger my entire life

Did you even read this article or what she said? She wants a more diverse and inclusive pool of critics and to you that’s a “ Regressive Leftist attitude” in caps for some reason?

Unfortunately for the trolls, Captain Marvel is dedicated to a fallen airman, so hating the movie means they hate the troops. I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them.

Nope. Fuck that. “She’s a woman on the Internet, she should learn to deal,” is not a valid response.

Shitbags need to either learn to be better people, or get their shit tuned up. The onus is never on the victim, ever.

Yes, their comment literally read, “Kinja user fleshsword is a rapist”

No, it didn’t, and stop taking it so personally when the word “men” is used. You’re male and NOT a rapist? Great, then you shouldn’t be bothered one bit by that comment.

let’s not mince words: it’s a men’s issue.

No. You are wrong. YOU worked hard and were able to breastfeed. That does not mean that it works for everyone. Our bodies don’t always work perfectly, and it used to be that when that happened with breastmilk, either our babies just died or we found a wet nurse. Now we have a better option that is objectively almost

And sometimes bodies don’t do what they’re “supposed” to do. If these women say their bodies aren’t cooperating, I believe them. It's not always about perseverance. I’m glad it’s all worked out perfectly for you though.

No, you can’t always just work harder and make it happen. Some women can’t breastfeed, and we need to quit making such a big deal out of it.

Are you implying that if someone wanted to try hard enough they should be able to breast feed? It sounds that way, but I’m sure it cannot be what you meant to say. Maybe edit for clarification? Because saying that would be really cruel and medically incorrect. Some women just....cannot. You come across really self