
I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!

You are correct that no apology will ever suffice for someone who deliberately mistreated (or worse) women for decades. There is no magic combination of words to make that go away. These assholes aren’t owed forgiveness. Their honesty doesn’t matter. They are entitled to nothing but scorn. Forever. It was what they

PLEASE let’s keep talking about the restaurant industry. For many of us, that’s where we got our first jobs as teens. And where we first experienced sexual harassment, although if you’re 16 years old you just try to tell yourself that it’s good that the cooks tease you because that must mean they like you and it’s

It’s miles better than Girls which was nominated twice and won once.

Who cares what they think? They wear shirts boasting about murdering journalists. Why does what they think matter one bit?

Literally everything a feminist does or says plays into their stupid narrative. Who cares what they think of us?

Women have been collectively treated like shit for centuries. Centuries.

The issue is that this is not a question for the U.S. to answer independently. There are very legitimate reasons that China, South Korea and Japan do not want war with North Korea, and it stretches beyond just counting North Korean lives.

The one that leaves its veterans homeless and destitute so they have to rely on random strangers for even a bare minimum of an existence?

“You’ve put me on display here,” Hoffman told Oliver, seething but never raising his voice or leaving his seat. “You have indicted me. … That’s not innocent until proven guilty.”

I saw an article on BuzzFeed with reactions from the people who were there, and many were like “what a bummer, why did Oliver have to change the subject/make everyone uncomfortable/forget he was there to discuss the film?” or “this is not the time or the place to put Hoffmann in that situation!” Those are probably the

I adore John Oliver.

We just need John Oliver to host future Presidential debates.

Am I the powerful man?

I’m glad John Oliver didn’t let it go.

This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

How is the advice for Crouching Jock, Hidden Nerd not in the vein of “stop being such a pretentious asshole you self-aggrandizing dong and maybe procure some self-awareness?” The first half of his letter is a bunch of irrelevant bragging. Oh snap, you work on your passion project and practice mixed martial arts!?

I like that the response to Shy Guy included the beginners guide to how to tell if somebody is remotely interested interacting with you. So many people don’t seem to be able to interpret the signs when somebody doesn’t want to talk to you, or they simply ignore them.

See, it’s good, to me, that we’re in the habit of asking every A-list actor who continues to work with Woody Allen why they’re doing that.

I see where you are coming from. I really do.