
You can’t make claims like these without having reliable data to back it up. Simply saying ‘my impression is that X commits more crimes than Y’ points to intellectual lazyness. It’s OK to talk like that casually with your friends, but if you are making public speeches or interviews on these topics you should know what

That’s a crucial point: if we look each game with the same level of scrutiny we are guaranteeed to find faults in the facial animations in every game we look at.

Because how the lips move is the most important thing in a game (?)

Dragon Age 2 and Inquistion were both good, I wouldn’t rate them 5/5 but they are certainly worthy of playing if you like action RPGs. I can’t say the same about Mass Effect 2 and 3.

I’d go even further and say they haven’t made great a game since Mass Effect 1. The writing and characters in Mass Effect 2 were just terrible.

Andromeda looks more fun to actually play than both Mass Effect 2 and 3.

Yes, being white is such a crime.

Oh yes, I too remember that meeting, we did in fact vote Mass Effect 1 as the best Mass Effect game ever ... the mail, market with ‘Obvious Fact’, must simply not have reached those with poor taste in games.

Mass Effect 2 a classic example of a dumbed-down sequel, of how you turn an RPG into a cover-based shooter.

Nope, Andromeda is an open-world cover-based shooter with RPG elements.

I felt the same way after Mass Effect 2, the biggest gaming disappointment in my 25+ years of gaming. I did not even play Mass Effect 3 because of it.

None of these look unique to me though, they are like re-skinned versions of Stardew Valley, Binding of Isaac, Super Smash .... and not since Oddworld has there been a unique platformer, in my opinion.

I agree that you would be more invested in a title if you have to pay for it yourself, as far as quality-vs-cost is involved. When you pay with your own money you demand a certain level of quality in what you buy.

As an adult I can’t take Steam reviews seriously because 90% of them seem to be written by kids and teens.

Surely you can see how the ‘false equivalency’ argument can also be used to justify why there can never be a black James Bond or that there should not be female GhostBusters, for example.

It’s not as if Asian re-makes of Western movies feature Western protagonists, for example:

Valve ... makes (?).... games ? ... or do they equate ‘hosting’ with ‘making’ ...

Yeah, I reason in a similar way.

If Steamspy is anything to go by Project Cars has sold almost twice as many copies as Assetto Corsa, on PC. Although I think some that has to do with Project Cars’ more frequent and more generous sale prices.

While I prefer rFactor 2, RaceRoom and Reiza’s stuff ... it’s still nice to see this project continuing on and doing well, it was such a cool idea.