theose is nominal

But it sums up what America is about!

HA, or the instant shock that your testicles have been smashed. lol ouch!

I think I would... I would put Helipads on top of the recruiters office. So potential recruits will get an instant taste of the action. Look a little something like this...

Should have picked Northrop's YF-23. With this whole Raptor mess they might just revive it.

Lower gut I think. Still a very painful yet funny thing.

I would have added a few Air Force rocket launches, crazy takeoffs and low fly overs. A few explosions. One pilot giving a thumbs up sign. Bombers raining hell on some proving ground. Throw in some drones. Dab a little classic U2 Spy plane, SR-71 and F-117 footage for good measure. End with a B-1 Lancer flying off

Really good movie.

Seems legit to me.

They are tough to explode, so many safeties. I doubt its really dangerous, I would guess its a very tedious thing to do. Even if the bomb had a faulty detonator, it would still have to be armed.

It was far enough away.

Yeah I read that one. I'm a big Aviation buff.

A little retro sci-fi

And I cant take looking at the huge black walls they put up while they build this thing. []

Instead of finding a cure... "Nah screw that, let's see how much more deadly we can make it."


Great video. To all those "Please add a NSFW tag" people. its ONE second of a tribe. Not one second of a porno. It's not even a closeup.

Take it from someone who works on them. YES they are all falling apart. Some water mains are really brittle due to age. One time we had to clamp a leak and the pressure from the clamp collapsed the line. Its not so much the copper or lead services (yes lead is still very present though it is replaced with copper),

Soft focus retains the sharp edges. Out of focus does not.

It can not be unseen now!!!