theose is nominal

That will feel even worse coming out. I chowed down on a habanero (workplace bet) one time. That night was complete hell.

Image fail..... forget it.

I hear you on this one. Usually a rich, bored young adult. Who buys themselves a Hasselblad, just cause they can. Then end up keeping it on auto mode. Taking horrible photos with excellent detail.

I was at that taping that night at the Beacon. Guess what?... People were recording it with their cellphones. I guess youtube or a DVR set to record was not enough.

I hear you on that one. I got a regular ol' blackberry. it makes calls and I can browse the web when I need to. I think its a waste to keep up with the newest "whatever they try to fucking sell me phone". I love Giz for the tech stuff, Cameras, computers, latest engineering feats, etc.

How many more can this planet handle?

Now playing

When you're down here, you'll float too

What a depressing picture...

How about some amphetamines in a easy to mix powder?

I'm just going to skip the cooking part and shovel the sugar directly into my mouth. No one really likes candy corn. So why make it?

You know your habit is bad when you ask your girlfriend to go *** to mouth.

Now playing

pfffftftffftftf. This is a gold gun (sort of)

Same here. I was like "ohhh they make them in new colors now?" Then the disappointment followed.

Go to the middle of the station, you will see a white and black striped banner. This is where the conductor will be when the train stops... Pay attention to what the conductor does. When the train comes to a full stop he will point at that banner. Some do it more then others. I seen some conductors stick out their arm

Great stuff. I just added you as a contact.

My printer is garbage. Has the envelope setting. But it would probably eat my dollar and rip it to sheds. @triggerx Didn't see that at first.

I think they should have made a downloadable template so folks at home can join the fun. Might even cover their asses too, being that defacing a bank note is a crime.

Yup. Cause if Hollywood takes it seriously you might have a good movie.

What about ammunition? Will they keep sending back bullets and grenades in time? Or will it be one of those movies where guns never need reloading.