
for me it's not how funny it is, it's how well they got the stupid shit they had them say matched up.

Someone should make a GIf with Putin and Keanu Reeves having a Sad off

There is something comforting about the 70's Saturday morning laugh tracks, subtle yet comforting.

On Dailymotion when i clicked the sound icon after the 10 second counted down the video started for 2 different videos.

How polluted would this be compared to the local rivers?

I was thinking the same thing.

My first thought was brain tumor and then i got to the video.

Each local government is paid franchise fees by the chosen company, the companies bid for the franchise and the local governments choose the highest bidder. Supposedly early on the only way to persuade a cable company to come in and bury cable was to offer their business protection by allowing only one company to

People who hate this kind of shit!

I guess for me I reserve "Raciest" for the worst type of race perpetrator, someone who has the worst intention at heart, they use their devices at hand to denigrate other races, to spread their own propaganda and if they could would make it hard as possible for that/those racial groups to succeed.

Yes i did see the movie (years ago). In the movie they did not say that Japanese people were inferior or that by implication they hated Japanese. In the film they have a Japanese character played by Mickey Rooney heavily layered with Japanese/Asian stereotypes of the time for comedic affect. It is cringe inducing,

Racist or racially insensitive? I believe there is a distinction.

The Bat-toosie

but i think the next episode is in 2 or 3 weeks

Is this sarcasm? I first need to understand your reality (your mind set) before i can comment.

The Federal Governament

For Comparison...
US Food Saftey compared to China's Food Saftey record, feel free to buy some exported beef from China

Food, medication and transportation safety beg to differ.

Epic fail would be an explosion, this was a precautionary fail at best.

Why would he be dead, he's hacking Sony as they watch, he is now a national hero!