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    But if someone disagrees with you then you might be wrong and that Will Not Stand.

    The internet ruins everything.

    It’s Uncharted give it a 7.5 and move on.

    At least with Tony hawk the disk was empty because the whole game was just a last second use the IP before it’s lost instead of outright fuck the player as primary motive (instead of just being the byproduct).

    If you play secret of evermore, grab the two player hack. So much better with a friend for some couch co-op. And the PSX Ganstream saga is a follow up to territoma

    Only tuxedo t shirts.

    Children often are. I know I was.

    I love how people never understand that private people have no responsibility to assisting or to not obstruct other’s speech.

    I saw fabel 1 as a poor 3D conversion of cadash. How did it enter public memory as anything other than a waste.

    Amalar had the problem of no one working on it knowing what they were doing and schilling being a hasbeen nozzle.

    It’s similar to movies. When a new middle manager shows up, it’s time to shit box all the old guy’s projects.

    Going out of business because you were forced to make a shit game for a shit series sure sounds like the boss had it in for you from the start.

    Remember, Hinckley wasn’t ever found competent for trial and we still have him in federal custody. The genuenly criminally ill aren’t being dropped off on the curb with bus fare.

    It looks like a teratoma.

    I was a small child when I saw that happen.

    Too bad this Burk fellow didn’t catch a few bullets while in the military, he would look extra good in a flag draped casket.

    And I was needing an upgrade to my 550Ti. It runs Dark Souls 3 but only just.

    The comments here have been quite amusing.

    Actually you can’t kill kids in Bethesda games is that they want to be able to sell the games in Europe, which has a lot of places where killing a kid in a game gets your game sanctioned.