“I don’t want black people in my family” is absolutely grounds for telling someone to fuck off and die in a fire.
“I don’t want black people in my family” is absolutely grounds for telling someone to fuck off and die in a fire.
Who is an adult and still tolerates racist family members that isn’t dependant on them for one reason or another.
Inertia is a powerful force. That and you never know if the guy who beats you will kill you for leaving.
Actually, it’s the same idea as burglar alarm. A lot of municipalities won’t service emergency calls based on alarms or third party calls without first party confirmation. (So if your burglar alarm goes off and you get incapacitated and can’t confirm there is an emergency no one will be sent to check up on you)
Listening to that actually was one of the reasons I left that job.
I kept taking calls went home drank and went to sleep before going back feeling that much more soul shattered than before. If you do tech support long enough it happens and there isn’t anything to do about it because liability.
When I worked for dish network one evening I had a phone call for what was most likely weather related outages (clouds) the caller was a kid about ten or so. He was upset and trying to see if I could make whatever program that was being missed show up. In the background I heard the step father (I assume) screaming…
Cool another company to feel good about pirating from.
Probably remembering how badly they fucked up pizza.
Crenelations still block arrows too, really no excuse for that.
In dark souls if you die it tends to be your fault more often than pretty much any other series I’ve seen in the last several years.
Kindle that Bonfire.
I got a friend DS1 last steam sale to entice him to the jolly co-op side.
Never tried a harvest moon game but damn, stardew can eat hours at a time.
I would be surprised if many states Lemon Laws are robust enough to apply to a video game’s online interaction.
As a content producer I can attest the internet never gets tired of pictures of hoohaas.
I’m glad DS1 hit a price point I can gift copies around at.
Seeds keep invaders in interesting locations.
I’ve seen a total of I think two absolutely must be cheating invasions. A lot of laggy people and some ridiculously good players but few actual cheaters.
You’ve missed some seriously good times. Pick up a few friends and a seed of the giant tree and farm easy kills.