Reminds me of how they use Nikon D2x's in Red Light Cameras, and thieves were stealing them
ignore this post. image attachment problems...
@DrGonzho: dogs androids firemen and tomatoes! i have this dvd somewhere...
@theorieofself: also the image in the OP forgot the Interstella 5555 versions!
@theorieofself: another.
@nystreetfilms: ha good point. yes, i've been out of the loop since i moved from brooklyn back to manhattan...
@nystreetfilms: yeah but not everyone has brakes. and i'm sure those brake-less riding hipsters will be all over this shit.
oh great. i foreseea long line of hipsters buying zipties at home depot today...
so the CIA is going to be investigating themselves?
i call time warner cable and threaten to cancel my cable internet/tv service every 3 months if they don't continue to give me the same rate.
@Issoa442: i was speaking to the number of comments including wankel rotary engines, or wankel-engine powered vehicles.
apparently a lot of these commenters only read titles...
@koolykool44: NO EXCUSES!
@koolykool44: you're right. rotaries just can't make big power...
@koolykool44: without the side effect of power? my 1.3L rotary is putting down 380rwhp with the factory twin turbos, in a 2800lb car.