still running windows 2000?
still running windows 2000?
I've always enjoyed high-speed runs though the Fort McHenry Tunnel when I make my yearly drives from NY <—> FL in my FD3S. :D
Open-wastegate high-boost pulls with the windows down. Does that count?
@TP3D Not sure what you're suggesting. The above photo is from the white phosphorus shelling of a school in Gaza:
There's nothing to joke about. Millions of "nuclear medicine" procedures are performed every year in the US. []
D*&% it, Giz! Stop dipping into political issues that you simply don't understand.
So the US government gave Tesla ultra-low interest loans (essentially subsidized) to keep them from going belly-up, only so Tesla can continue to produce high-end luxury cars. OK so tax payers bear the burden of the government-backed loans, and only the elite can afford to get the cars.
that's exactly how I drive my Rx-7 around Manhattan. XD
So it's like BEAMZ for "hand crafts"
Orange paint? Seems pretty ghetto. I think some day-glow / reflective adhesive-backed tape would be a better solution.
Does this mean vegans will finally have to give up using computers? I hope so, it might help to keep their wild ramblings and off the Internet.
I love that road. Us Rotary / Rx-7 guys make a pilgrimage at least once a year...
Yeah never had any luck finding a 2 or 3 for that price. The 7 is my daily, but it's currently under the knife getting a BW s366 single setup... ;)
No, my girlfriend used to live in Park Slope though so I was always street-parked, so yes that was probably my car.
I drive my nearly 400 rwhp Rx-7 in the city in Manhattan all the time. The lights are actually timed relatively well, and you can get pretty good non-stop segments up & down the avenues when it's not "rush hour."
Assange & WikiLeaks yet again stealing credit for other's discoveries/leaks...
Looks like the incestuous love child of a C6 'vette and a 5th-gen Camaro.