And you believe that justifies outright ending the program, as a stick to force a potential (and highly unlikely) Congressional action?
This neglects, of course, the realities of the situation these young people find themselves in. Many of these kids grew up here, went to school here, and don’t even speak the language of their “original” countries. In other words, these kids are no different from their peers who were born here, save that they do not…
“One can only betray a group that they are part of.”
We call that group “America.”
Donald J Trump is the great huckster of our time. He is our own cut-rate middling PT Barnum. He has taken great delight in suckering his cult into believing in him totally. However, instead of giving his followers a grand menagerie of freaks and curiosities from around the world, Trump’s freak show is just a house…
This. Effing. Keebler.
This ‘Detective’ just assaulted and kidnapped a woman in broad daylight, on-camera. He had NO probable cause, NO warrant, and the woman was NOT breaking any law. This is a classic False Arrest. The officer is a criminal, and should be arraigned for assault, kidnapping, false arrest, and whatever else the judge…
The Republican party sure seems to love “small government” riiiiiiiiiiiiiight up until one of those small governments does something they find socially objectionable.
“What’s that? You want to locally raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour?”
BAM! State Law Taking Control.
“You want to have a local LGBT…
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Meh.... Lord Dampnut actually looks better in this than he usually does in a suit. I say he should rock this look right up until the impeachment.
Ladies and Gentlemen, a thought:
I live in NC. The GOP stranglehold on the State Legislature is the absolute height of hypocrisy, desperation and oligarchical stank. This is not the first time SINCE 2010 that our electoral maps have been ordered to be redrawn. Our State government is a microcosm of GOP strategy. The State is pretty evenly split,…
Damnit, Donnie, stop ruining cowboy hats! >_<
It couldn’t POSSIBLY have anything to do with he and his “friends” owning crap-tons of shares in private prison corporations... right? RIGHT?