
Ha, that is hilarious. “Has values?” I genuinely and honestly laughed. But it’s sad, really. What a sheep.

We live in a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

Maybe this time the Dems will put forth a candidate that isn’t so universally hated. Maybe someone with morals.

It can’t be any worse than the hate frothed frenzy being exhibited by the Left over the elections.

You’re right, it’s her last chance to have power, and that’s all she wants in life.

The right views her rightly. I’m not a republican, but I know what she is.

As far as I know, the only side that registered dead people to vote were the Dems. Sorry.

This is hilarious. Yet sad. I didn’t vote for Trump. Better get that out of the way before I speak, because that will immediately be what people reply with.