The Only Michael Ever

Not to be That Guy, but the dogs in the first video are genuinely distressed and in fear for their owner. Would you tease a kid into crying because they thought you were drowning?

The last few weeks, every time Padma has been on screen my wife shouts "nipples!"

"Human sized?"

I find this show supremely frustrating. No one tells anyone anything important about what is going on and the characters behave in utterly stupid fashion. It's like watching a horror movie where you want to you "DON'T DO THAT!" every single minute.

Anyone else find it odd the cops wouldn't follow up in the known heroin shooting gallery to see if Nick was maybe telling the truth? Or that Mom and what's his name didn't immediately call the cops after determining something terrible happened there?

Baby Merchant has kind of an Acid Queen vibe to it. I can't stop watching.

Ha! It's funny because it's cancer.

Maybe you should note that Jared was not arrested and charges have not been filed first, not as a parenthetical. But, I guess, to be fair, that wouldn't be as salacious.

Still better than Poochie.

But can the dog play basketball?

"How did I miss out on this?" - Louis CK

Nope, but we should keep in mind this was a real person with a real family and maybe, just maybe, try to rise above the Internet creed of "If you don't have anything nice to say, post it in the comments section."

LOL, it's funny because a person died.

LOL, it's funny because a real person died.

I'm sorry, no one else wants to do the speed bike run from Battletoads?

1. Tennessee Tophat
2. Finally, someone had the balls to suggest bicycles might still exist in this world.

I already assumed cats were responsible for most of the WWDTM content.