
I agree with that need, but I've only ever seen it happen here on a handful of occasions. The majority has been clickbait and manufactured outrage.

If it weren't for the fun of being outraged, there would be no Jezebel.

I don't think you need the "even if" on Jezebel.

Nice troll, 3/10. I like the hyperbole (every) and I like that you didn't consider that maybe Jezebel is awful fucking emotionally manipulative clickbait and yellow journalism. Keep it up, "that guy".

English 101 teaches the difference between quoting and paraphrasing.

I think moderators are obligated to discourage the publicizing of personal details, not to mention this clickbait is clearly engineered to manufacture outrage. The headline is also a lie, as those quoted words do not appear in any of the messages.

Read through the cunty comments, you'll find them.

Will Jezebel be held legally liable when this turns out to be a hoax, and your encouragement of cyberbullying and exposure of personal details result in financial damage and harassment?

Oh no, Jeremy Clarkson asked a murderer if he'd ever had a lap dance. HOW RUDE!

Yes, provide scientific backing for your opinion, because that makes sense.

Only people with functioning ears.

Your failure to distinguish between homosexuals and transgendered people is ignorant and bigoted. You are transphobic and you should feel bad about it. It's unacceptable.

If you can point out where in the article it says this kid is homosexual, maybe your homophobia accusation would hold water. I think your bigotry has you confusing transvestites, transgendered people and homosexuals.

You might be familiar with that 2010-2011 period of Barnes' life because, among other things, he was a dancing hamster in a Kia Soul. Which suggests maybe that piece of ceiling didn't do as much damage as one may have thought.

Well done.

I love Jalopnik, but don't understand why Detroit troll Aaron Foley has to be constantly featured.

Yeah, in the wake of innocent people dying is the ideal place to stand on your political soapbox, asshat. Take the day off of the internet and learn some common sense, maybe read a book, take a nap, kill yourself, whatever spares smart people from being exposed to your ignorance.

Your wall of text is a waste of everybody's time, including yours. If you had bothered to spend half that wasted time learning about this guy, you'd realize how ignorant your pandering post about "SOCIETY, MAAAAN" really is. Maybe you'd fit in better at Jezebel.

Maybe if it came with less effort. (Zero effort)

Ha, it's funny because it's true.