
If we chop the rod into 4 equal sections and peel off the surface we have 4 rectangles with one side of 3cm and one side of 4cm. Get your slicing right and the string will be the diagonal on each of these rectangles. Some Greek guy taught us that on a right angles triangle the square of the longest side is equal to

“OHMIGOD! It’s moving! Quick, somebody write this down!”

Hey, family, good news...

this is very true. most dems are republicans at this point. that’s why warren looks WILDLY PROGRESSIVE when she’s all ‘i really like the idea of kids not going into debt for their education’

“Also, the family respectfully asks that you do not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. R.I.P. Grandaddy.”

Thanks, but I’m just about done taking political advice from dead white guys.

I just imagined a robot saying that to me during a passionate bang and let's just say I'm suddenly very thirsty. You should be involved with the programming

I hope this totally turns out like Enders Game where one scientist successfully deflect an asteroid and suddenly it’s revealed the whole thing was real.

Dammit, you made me trip and fall into the abyss of the internet again...

I’m not sure I’ve ever been more creeped out by Willem Dafoe, and that is saying something.

“While a fully functioning sex robot is likely light years away...”

Thanks for subtly reminding me how much I don’t get laid Jezebel.

You’d be surprised how many guys have Real Dolls that don’t actually use them for sex. There’s this whole online community of them.

this is very hurtful, emma, please stop sex-robot shaming me.

in a weird way, i feel like a lady sex robot would be kind of safe?

i think the robot would probably want to be paid to have sex with me.

Not being a total scumbag does nothing for me.

My favorite moment of her is still the 2012 election. The look on her face when Karl Rove insisted she get up, walk over to the numbers guys, and get triple-secret confirmation that Obama was winning, was priceless.

Call me stoned at 3:18 in the afternoon, but I just read the first sentence of your comment and took it to mean that you wanted to binge watch the show Cosmos with Megyn Kelly until you found out all her secrets.