
I would buy one of those, but it don’t think my wife or kids would take kindly to me running around the house going PEWPEWPEW

RE: Jon Snow. Didn’t GRRM say, “Oh, you think he’s dead, do you?”

David Fincher is a terrible hack.


Yeah, ok. She was the real deal.

Aye, sir! That be the point!

After a man ejaculates, his penis goes limp.

I know, right? That fucking costume is worse than the Holocaust and World War Three and Hitler and Stalin all rolled together.

Why did you bring this upon us?

Genesys sounds like the OS for a really unsexy robot stripper.

Does this mean that Bigfoot erotica is over?

Peeeeeeenoooooooooooooo nooooooooooiiiiiiiiirrrrr

Now if it were porn, see, there would be artistic integrity.

This is the internet. Only sociopaths are allowed on here.

I don’t know. Cross and Posehn are both pretty funny, but they are definitely not the first two guys I would have thought of when I wanted jokes in a video game. That said, Bungie can be incredibly bad at NPC dialogue. The level of Reach, where you’re escorting Jun was fucking unbearable. He had about two lines of

How about the Price is Right song? Or also, some dude beating a steel drum and singing, “don’t buy all that stuff.”

Nice one Government. Now try the same thing with handguns.

Somebody needs to do a remake of Huis Clos, using this as a premise.

One thing that seems different is the health system. Jensen can take a shit ton of damage this time around. In the previous game the sense of vulnerability was one thing you really had to think about, when going into a combat situation. Now there doesn’t seem to be that much of a reward for playing stealth/non-lethal,

I’m OK with the human race turning into Tricia Helfer and Grace Park clones.