There’s already fourteen of them.
There’s already fourteen of them.
Kyle is an awful, disgusting, hateful narcissist. She may be in the right, but man, do I not give a flying fuck.
This is worse than when all the apocrypha got cut from the bible.
Beat me to it.
Police caught one 16-year-old teen claiming to be a “lookout” and grilled him
But didn’t he murder one of his clients?
*Naughty bits autoclave program enabled*
Fuck me, you dirty, dirty disgusting human.
See, I think the Turing test should involve more boning.
Isn’ that binary for “Help”?
I like how your stoned mind works.
Lucky you.
You mean the one we were forced to listen to on all our devices?
Gabrielle Bluestone listed her as a “contributing editor” at RS in her assessment of the Columbia review last night. I’m not sure if that means she is or was officially an employee, though. Everyone else seems to be saying she wrote the article after getting a commission.
I can’t evaluate until I have had a chance to review said porn.
About six years ago, I came down with some kind of GI bug. I was at work, and around three o’clock, I started feeling a weird tearing sensation in my stomach. Not good. I grabbed some TUMS and ate a million of them. A little while later, I started feeling a little weak and sweaty. But, I had an appointment to get my…
The Boston Herald was owned by Newscorp. The second it got bought out, it went from being a right-leaning local scandal rag to race-baiting birdcage liner in a matter of seconds. Even after the paper got sold (probably to the Taliban, for all I know) it took another hard right turn.
Also, most surgeons are known to be raging assholes.
Didn't Bobby Finger used to write for Gawker a while back?
Clothes count as "utilitarian" products, not creative work. Drawings of clothes can be copyrighted, but clothes themselves can be, and frequently are, ripped off wholesale.