The One Galen

Yeah, I understand the physics. However, the MCRN vessel was not in a stable orbit (as it was in the process of landing). Therefore, it was in the process of falling to the surface of Ganymede at the time it was destroyed. Colloquially, there is no problem using the phrase "falling out of orbit" unless you are being

I definitely read it as her feeling that it was a slim chance, and that she was likely going to die out there, but that her conscience, and her regrets from Eros, would not let her.

Even more women in steerage were saved than first class men, percentagewise. The numbers say that even the steerage passengers held to "women and children first."

I have to admit I love the scene in the book, where both sides just fire everything at them and Alex is just the best damn pilot in the solar system to get them out. But that wouldn't work with the Somnambulist in tow.

Yeah, no one ever has actually held to "women and children first" in an emergency. Oh wait.

Try reading it as "falling from orbital altitude" rather than literally "falling out of orbit." The MCRN black ops vessel that was destroyed was preparing to land at the secret facility from last episode, so it probably didn't have a periapsis above the ground when it was destroyed.

I grew up loving Christopher Reeve, George Reeves, and the DCAU Superman. I love the Snyder/Goyer/Rossio/Cavill Superman/Clark/Kal-El. Tyler Hoechlin had me grinning throughout - a fine and worthy addition to the Superman legend.

He was just along for the ride for the last 30 minutes of Raiders of the Lost Ark too, but it still felt like he was working towards something, even if he didn't really accomplish it. Basically the only thing he changes through his intervention is saving Marion's life by telling her not to look at the Ark when it's

Do you partake in mass hysteria?

That's entirely true. It's interesting to contrast it with Raiders of the Lost Ark, where even though Indy is entirely irrelevant to the plot of the second half of the movie (because as soon as the Nazis have and open the Ark, they are going to get melted whether Indy is there or not), he's still working hard through

Only a decade?

I was going to say something about how it's a staple of the EU, and then remembered that all those stories don't exist. :*(

Seriously, no spoiler warning? Geez.

Which Eisley album?