
Lil Wayne smokes kale?

Its from laws back in the 30s when franchised dealers thought they were being screwed by the automakers doing direct sales. So the (local) dealers got their legislatures to shut out the (not local) makers from going into competition against them.

“You have 10 seconds to comply”




The last time dog fighting was considered obsolete was Vietnam. Many pilots died because of that thinking.

The movement amount seems more like a flight simulator! I hope track days don’t have me pitching forward 30 degrees!

Yall posting in a troll thread.

I would watch the shit out of that. And also participate.

You know what would be a great feature on YouTube?

Any word on what caused the crash yet?

Hi Guys, I have been lurking for a while and am looking to get into motorcycling. I was wondering if this honda is a good beginner bike? I want something that is controllable and like I am real responsible so I don’t want a weak bike that I will get bored with in 2 months. I want something I can grow into. What do you

Not. The BMW riders are damned proud of their bikes ALWAYS running. They’re just paranoid of them getting damaged.. because then they’d actually see the inside of a mechanic’s shop and that to a BMW rider is a BAD THING.

“Cutting the line” implies that you're take their spot, and delaying them. You're not.

Ok to the drivers who inevitably come over from Jalopnik just to hate on lane splitting:

Actually, it’s a pretty divided camp. Mercedes-Benz doesn’t use touch screens, and as of recently, neither does Lexus. I don’t think Audi’s MMI does, either.

That...that’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works! (Also I already have it on the ps4 and previously got it on launch for the ps3. I’m not buying it at full price for a third time)

Those old racers stole it from PanchoVilleneuve.

Personally I'd rather have seen an Isuzu Rodeo up there instead of the Trooper. Same frame and drivetrains, better suspension and lower center of gravity. I see em all the time on craigslist, pre '97 (the best for toying around) for around $1500.