“You have been adjured not to engage in war with the nations” was among Rabbeinu Bachya’s commentary on the Three Oaths.
“You have been adjured not to engage in war with the nations” was among Rabbeinu Bachya’s commentary on the Three Oaths.
Why does Iran, separated from Israel by two other countries, want to destroy Israel? How about the UAE? Why is it that Pakistan’s religious political parties call for Israel’s destruction?
Fun facts most Americans don’t know: The Minneapolis Police Department was trained in the use of the knee-on-neck tactics that killed George Floyd by Israeli soldiers who taught them to use brutal anti-terror tactics developed for use against the Palestinians.
Well played, sir.
Yeah, gee, how unreasonable of me to suggest that Israel might retaliate against Venezuela for nationalizing the property of Venezuelan Jews and for moving to recognize Palestinian statehood, especially when I personally saw Israeli lobbyists swearing revenge against the Chavez regime.
Never once in my life have I said “Jews were responsible for 9/11", nor would I.
Way to go there, “Mortal”. Gotta love the way you ignored every single point I actually made about Israel’s bad behavior, in favor of deleting my comments and calling me a “conspiracy theorist” and a “general malcontent”.
Redacted; trying to find a way to respond to “Mortal Dictata” in a way that he won’t just delete and run off and talk shit about again.
The zeitgeist of Israel is profoundly psychotic after what may effectively be termed a hundred years of colonialist, expansionist war with their neighbors, and the founding of the country being based on the ethnic cleansing of half a million people or more. Racist and Jewish-supremacist attitudes dominate, these days.…
Someday, you will learn that when you live in a tough neighbourhood with people that will destroy you in a heartbeat given the chance, that this requires tough measures.
Not too big on open debate and free speech, are you?
Since “Mortal Dictata” grayed this response when I posted it in reply to him/her - great optics there, by the way, “Mortal”, way to really put the screws to the idea that Democratic centrists aren’t taking a fascist line with regard to Israel - I’ll post it here instead:
The coup in Venezuela is far more connected to the Israeli lobbying than you might realize. There’s a reason that the Israeli lobbyist sector is targeting Omar for her questioning of Elliott Abrams; they are not keen to draw attention to his record of instituting coups against Latin American countries on the outs with…
Stop worrying so much about “optics”, please. I’m sorry, but the entire reason the entire Israeli-Arab conflict has such become a festering boil on the world’s ass is that way too much shady shit is going on, and various parties try way too hard to make sure no one calls a spade a spade on it all. Omar did, and I’m…
I see my posts about various forms of Israeli manipulation of the U.S. military-industrial sector are disappearing again on Ilhan Omar articles, including one of my replies to you.
Yup, and powerful people with a lot of sins to hide at that.
They’ve been crossing dangerous lines in their meddling in our politics for a long, long time.
Oh, and by the way - to certain Goldman personnel I am sure are reading this - rest assured that you have finally convinced me of at least one thing from our last conversation.