
put up more pictures of the car you fuckin bitch

when a woman has more balls the Cooper

you forgot to mention who runs the city and who sold the parking contract for the next 60 years.

holy shit you found a scandal and the mainstream media has not reported on yet. they would die for such a story, cant wait to see this on CNN

Another day, another black child has been gunned down by a trigger-happy police officer leaving another community enraged and another family in pain.

you are talking about a sports channel that went politically correct and hired activists to gain ratings. your average sports junkie is not interested in politics or snowflake social justice worrier bullshit   

This is what happens when I go out in DC, all I see is a rainbow colors of drinks on the bar. I walk up order a double of Johnny Black neat and I get the most satisfactory look from the bartender

I guess they are the CNN of the automotive industry

look at the difference when the system fails

Socialism is the word you are looking for

tell the truth, this is socialism at its best. This is Bernie Sanders political agenda 

sir you win

please remove your tin foil hat, find the nearest exit and go outside for some fresh air. then find a stripclub and get a labdance

One of the best movies he was in is Moving Day. Great acting from him. It underrated movie.

there is a huge difference from 1800's to 2017. I have papers, I’m here legally, I pay tax and I didn’t do any crimes. If they are coming for me after then why are they still letting people migrate to this country legally?   

as a legal immigrant in the US, please stop counting the Illegals with me. I paid my way to be here, legal. Next time you want to write your snowflake article please make sure to state that these people are here illegally in every sentence when you are referring to them  

how about Bushes ranch or Clintons Arkansas house or Reagan Cali house 

other presidents have done the same of meeting dignitaries at other places than the white house, remember camp david?