
did you just have an article about what to do in these situations

One more week, I cant wait to see people leaving cars and coffee in this car.

no one ever breaks down who the white people are? if you take a look at who those people are, you would find that they are also minorities. People from the Middle East are considered white and they do make more money than your “white american”

you are an idiot. so lets put all of our money on the sea and leave the land empty because drug dealers only bring in drugs by sea

This is what I do at work. I install Windows OS on Apple MacBook Air. Its not a big deal, you would be surprised with the performance also Apple is not that enterprise friendly   

With all the Trump bashing on this site its good to see them reporting on a car

Friday and Saturday night all you seen in DC streets are drunk bitches and Uber drivers. its because the majority of people who go out in DC live in Maryland or Virginia  

think about it, almost everyone leaving the bar after happy hour is past the legal limit. why wouldn’t a cop just pull over everyone coming out of the bar?

you are snowflake for saying its racist

you mad bro? its funny that in my city an Uber driver raped a girl then used her credit cards, his bond was $250.00. No news about him, no outrage. How about the fact that Uber pays its drivers less and hikes up fairs when they feel like it.

its not a taxi company, this is what snowflakes use to get around town yet they bash capitalism but want more government and they use a company thats not regulated

I think hes looking for more Trump bashing and Obama worshiping articles

they have been showing the paddleshiffters for the last 3 videos.

Stop giving my tax money to car makers that make a car I cant afford to drive.

like a 95 camaro with every moving part having a sensor on it

its a fancy two step system, all drag cars have it. They want to automate as much as they can, thats why this car had paddleshiffters

I dont understand why is no one talking about his this will be an automatic car, it will have paddleshifters

why didnt you complain about Obama spending

Obama is fuckin a tranny

You made it half a work day without bashing Trump