
remember when america introduced the new atomic bomb product on Aug. 6th to Hiroshima?

Question - why has Brandon Marshall been very recently lauded on this site for his feelings on the culture of the NFL, after arguably committing more heinous acts against women, repeatedly. Also, why was there no media outrage when Marshall served a one game suspension for domestic assault (again which happened

that's what happens when a dead horse provokes you.

Did you forget the fact that the Arabs declared war on Israel, not the other way around?

Maybe you need to learn what the definition of GENOCIDE is!!

I am so looking forward to the objective, civil and respectful discussions in the comment section :)

Jesus, guess how many people Isis killed in Iraq?… why don't you publish just "the facts" about that? If a Jew kills an Arab that's a tragedy, but if an Arab Kills an Arab that goes unspoken and doesn't get a write-up on a mind-candy blog

But how much do I tip at a buffet?


Dude's 24 (2-4 years away from when hitters typically hit their peak) with a career .282 BA and is a 3-time All-Star, including this season. How is he not "panning out"?

Yeah, I totally don't understand why pitchers only throw fastballs to prospects in meaningless late season games. It blows my mind. It's just bonkers.

Guytactic. Play stupid so you won't have to do it.

When I worked at a mid-range family dining chain, there was this one guy who would come up to the ice cream counter, order soda water with lemon, and just sit there and drink it for a half hour on the stool. Of course, soda water and lemon is technically free, so there would never be a charge. He was there almost

Honestly, I don't know how much money I would require to sit across from Steak and Blue Cheese guy for an entire meal. Other then A LOT.

I have no problem with this at ALL. It's the entitlement whiners that ruin it for everybody.

People die from cars - a lot. Speeders should go to jail well before we send weed users/dealers. Of course, our legal system isn't based on science or even logic.

1. In Seattle, regular coffee simply means drip coffee. Because most cafe's don't even have drip (just espresso), something that confounds my parents when they visit.

I don't like my steak well-done, but I like that you're not afraid to admit here that you do. It is your steak, order it and eat it how you like it.

He was basically obliterating a $40 piece of steak.

Anyone who wants to defend that annoying jackass, come at me, bro.