Did you ever release anything? Most of these bands were juuuust barely before my time, so I really only knew them by their albums.
Did you ever release anything? Most of these bands were juuuust barely before my time, so I really only knew them by their albums.
I’ve gone through a couple of (cheap) turntables — and got rid of my most recent one during a cross-country move — but I’ll definitely never give up my vinyl collection.
I’ve been holding on to my Game Boy Color forever. I also have a terrible brother — he broke my original Game Boy, and took our SNES (along with alllll our games) over to his friend’s house, and then subsequently cut ties with that friend.
Ah, you beat me to it. I did a double-take on that sentence, like “the Claude Shannon?”
Marguerite Moreau is also still working. She had a minor role in a couple seasons of Shameless as the redhead’s boyfriend-boss’s wife, and she’s in the upcoming Wet Hot American Summer TV series.
That line is definitely from “Get Low”.
I’ll bet there’s a lot of variation in the number-of-glasses-broken per person per year. I’m in my late 20s and I swear I’ve only broken two glasses in my adult life... one was a cheap dollar store tumbler that cracked while I was washing it, and one was a cheap dollar store wine glass whose stem snapped when I…
This conversation is incomplete without a mention of POWERTHIRST
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate.
And meanwhile, up here in NorCal, we recently had a fire that was caused by a drone.
Python or Javascript should get you there.
I got followed by Gawker Newsfeed early on during the 15 minutes when that was a thing. I was so excited, then so disappointed when they shut it down :(
ended in a somewhat isolated house under construction in the nondescript
Santa JuanitaSudden Valley neighborhood, surrounded by empty fields.
I was the drive-by punchee, and there’s not a lot of closure to be had.
A what post?
I would also happily subscribe to such a service, as someone who typically only pirates retro games (the most recent game I’ve stolen is, appropriately, the 2004 edition of Sid Meier’s Pirates!).
There was a This American Life episode recently where they talked about how vocal fry is taking over the minds of young women or something, and how people don’t take young women seriously when they use vocal fry.
Yeah, and the guy who said “The point stands you are effectively banning this player for little more then ruining your pixels.”
A penile bone???
Even the action figures from the original JP had a suspicious-looking bump in the crotch. I was never sure if it was a penis, because it was sort of triangular(?) and also I was 6.