Well here's what one shipper fan said on another board about the episode:
Well here's what one shipper fan said on another board about the episode:
I don't hate her, but I hate how the writers always seem to pit her and Britta against each other. Especially by making Annie be especially rude and mean to Britta, it's happened so many times by now. Can't they just be two women who get along instead of fighting over a guy?
yes, they are absolutely creepy and regressive feelings. I don't know how the writers think Jeff and Annie are in any way a good idea. She's 23 and he's 40. Come on.
This Jeff and Annie bullshit is getting on my last nerve. They are seriously the worst. Why can't this show just be shipping free? He is way too old for her, she only likes him because she thinks she can change him, and Dan Harmon has proved that he is far too willing to bend to a crazy, insane, 'vocal majority' of…