
Can we have a movie about HER instead??

Having been a caretaker concurrently to my Mother (Alzheimers), and my sister (massive stroke), I was under no delusion about how hard it must have been for Jane while I was watching the movie (which I really liked, by the way, and thought was well done). I was also quite aware that events in their marriage as

It’s not the right way to put it, but I’m glad to hear her say this. I had a real issue with the tidiness of The Theory of Everything when I saw it in theaters. Real life is messy, and I knew going in that Stephen Hawking’s personaly life was particularly messy. The movie turned almost all of that struggle and strife

No article about the third woman (1st in 55yrs) to win the Nobel Prize in Physics?

How do we revitalize communities without pushing people out and gentrifying? It’s a genuine question that I grapple with frequently and it makes me so angry. I was born and raised in an immigrant city that hipsters have no interest in, next door is a city that’s nothing like what I remember that’s been gentrified.

Yeah, with enough salt, butter, onions, and garlic, they’ll do...

Right! Isn’t this what the Emergency Broadcast System is for? 

My oldest friend’s brother is the most severe case I know, On his meds, he’s a perfectly normal person.

It’s completely a YMMV situation. My mom always had it, none of her 4 children do, but my brother-in-law, who had never shown signs of it, was hit by the BPD truck in a big way when he turned 40.

About to hit 43, and I was forced to grow up VERY early.

I’ve been hearing about this for a few weeks. Noone has adequately explained why Presidential Alerts should exist.

List of things Trump probably believes is a crisis:

Is there any way you can remove the image from your post? I only ask because it’s very triggering for a lot of sexual assualt victims.

Survivors have been asking over and over for people to stop sharing this image. Its triggering and hurtful to them. 


“A vote for Marsha is really a vote for me, and everything we stand for,” he said at the rally.

It boggles my mind that groups of people willing attend these rallies. What on earth goes on in the minds of those grinning jackasses in the photo above? It really is something that these people do this in the full light of day and have no problem having their photos taken doing so. 

Everything out of his mouth is basically an attack ad.

Trump is disgusting but I couldn’t be more ashamed and disappointed of the Americans that go to his rallies to hear the twisted ramblings of a Russian owned traitor.

“The Democrats can no longer be trusted with your power,” he said, describing them as the party of “crime.”