
I’m guessing that green sniper has the “shoot ammo to pick it up” perk. Many folks hold onto shitty green/blue weapons just for that perk.

Ah the Blades of Crota? I figure those spawns were of a different type altogether - public-event type events vs critters tied to storyline missions. If those had remained along with the pre-existing public events, and in addition to the HoW Fallen events, some areas would be freaking busy. Hell, it seems you can get

I think you’re incorrect. Aren’t those “servant of the abyss” or whatever thralls, the ones that sit there in a crouch, waiting for you to ping them still there? Isn’t that one wizard still there on the way from the Rocketyard to the walker still there? All of those are from The Dark Below.

You’re so old it took you four years to get around to replying! :D

Considering the anime series is nowhere near being wrapped up, I wonder how they’re going to end the 2-hour-ish movie...

In high school (early 80s) they gave everybody the ASVAB (?) test. I was told I had one of the highest scores in the school, and was asked to go down to an office building in town (I can’t for the life of me remember the name of this place - some acronym that started with R?) to take the Navy nuke test, which I did

That’s basically what I’m telling myself. It’s tough though. I know things are gonna get better - I’ve been in this place before, several times - but in the middle of it all, it doesn’t feel like it’s ever gonna pass.

Kinda creepy that this article came up today, as I (a guy) am a few months out of a 2-year relationship, and I’m not doing well at all lately, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I have to do this with my ex - and all of our mutual friends, which is the vast majority of the people I know - in order to get myself

For shits and giggles, I just checked Apple’s app store.

Yes but what did you think of the nazi alien zombies in “South Park: The Stick Of Truth”...?

You know, I’ll probably go buy one - one - can of that swill (and promptly pour it down the drain), for the quest access. It’s what? A buck or two? And yes, I’m aware that by doing that, I’m reinforcing this sort of behavior at Activision/Red Bull/whoever else is monitoring how this promotion goes.

I have to wonder how many white supremacists play this game and do the send-them-out-to-die bit with all their darker-skinned dwellers, and try to turn their vaults into Aryan paradises.

I haven’t spent a dime yet. Don’t intend to. Feels like cheating to me.

Something I’m about to try tonight is throwing as many dwellers into my training rooms as possible, the higher the stat the better. I figure since the training timers keep going while the game isn’t running, and it can take hours and hours to train a single stat when it’s already at four or five, why not throw my

One assumes the smartphone app will still be an option even if you don’t have the physical wrist-doohickey with the collector’s edition?

I ran the Thorn bounty before the first DLC even dropped - so we were all 29s or 30s, with 300atk weapons at best. The Summoning Pits bit was insane. Plus, this was before people started puzzling out “Hey, you can go back into the small room before the shrieker room and be safe” - we were always trying to hide out

This is gonna end badly. It’s prime material for a super-villain origin story. Kid’s gonna grow up and arch Major League Baseball.