
I just found a super-sekrit screenshot of our hero fighting some sort of ice monster.

Beat me to it...

I would it both slap-worthy and hilarious if they wrote into the game a not-insignficant character with the last name of "Gates"...

Yes but does this place have cats?

Beavis approves.

"Black Starfleet uniform"?

Not at all surprising - body armor is meant to stop penetration, not deflect impact. You're still gonna hurt like hell, maybe even get a cracked/broken rib or whatnot, but if you don't get a bullet in you, it worked!

And a few generations later...

When I saw this on The Oatmeal's FB feed, I immediately shared it.

"The needs of the crazy... outweigh... the needs of the sane."

This one is more awesome, both due to the swap and the preceding crazy-ass snipe.

Now playing

Obviously Bob Burden (creator of "Mystery Men") was a fan of medieval Japanese art.

I so enjoyed that film.

My theory is that there was a pic-a-nic basket in sight, but it wasn't 100% clear that it was resting on a dangerous reef...

"They're heeee-re..."

Speaking of Tyson... he's speaking near me tonight, and I can't go. :(

Yah, same age more or less, but I don't think it's the same guy.

Well, the pic above (original film) is of a different guy in that scene, and I do have to say, I thought they cast the commercial guy because he had that original actor's basic look. So I figure that's who they were talking about. If not, my mistake.

I'm not saying the guy is dead, I'm saying he'd be far older than the guy in the commercial is.

No way it's the same guy. It's 35 years later! He'd be in his 60s at least. They must have been looking for a lookalike for this bit, though.