Methinks the soft drink selection at Arby's and Subway are pretty much the same. :)
Methinks the soft drink selection at Arby's and Subway are pretty much the same. :)
Ah, I hadn't tried that. I'll check that out. Thanks!
(image fail)
Ok I feel kind of lame asking, but - is there anything akin to the normal game manual for the beta out on the internets? I've had no luck finding it. I want to read up on some of the goodies that unlock later on.
Well damn. November's gonna be a busy month.
Well, yeah. It's beta. And yeah, not everything will get addressed. Public betas like this are 99% stress tests anyhow. Your average cretin who whines about beta tests isn't going to be submitting bug reports with reasonably understandable grammar.
Yep, the interface options are kinda ass-backwards in some ways. I've been playing it on PS3 lately. I'm hoping they juggle things a bit to be more useful/sensible before release.
Well, I just got through playing a bit more - only about a dozen folks on either team, so maybe that's why, but I had a much better time of it. Killed more than I died by a fair margin.
I'm guessing it's due to the relative ease to mod/hack the PC versions of games vs. the consoles.
I'm right there with you. Pop I'm dead! Very annoying. I know I generally suck at FPSs but this is ridiculous. :/
There was a laserdisc-based video game based off of Cagliostro, though. In the early 80s, an arcade game titled "Cliff Hanger". Basically it was clips from the movie (and bits from "Mystery of Mamo") stitched in between semi-related levels you would play.
In other news, it's discovered that the Obama heckler last night in LA was actually accusing Obama of being the anti-Nintendo.
Biggest what made? :)
Ok, so I had picked up JE back in the day, pre-X360. Hadn't finished it, and amusingly enough, had packed away the old Xbox with the main game disc still inside. I'd been pondering breaking this game out again and giving it another go anyhow - and found that I had to go down to my basement, dig out the old console,…
Considering Uncharted 3 hits on November 1, and Skyrim doesn't hit until November 11... I think that's an easy choice. :)
"Video removed by user". Meh. :(
Oh jeez that illustration at the top brings back horrible memories from the 80s of this one creepy guy who used to draw all sorts of various things - anthropomorphic dinosaurs, cartoon characters, etc. - fucking each other's brains out. It. Was. Disturbing.
I *so* called this from the get-go. :P