
It's a joke. Baylor is a highly religious institution, and my film professor has mentioned the film once or twice in class. Of course, he doesn't actually care what it has in it. He just joked in class that it was a movie that got high approval by the University itself.

The irony with this movie is that it was written by an alumni of the program I'm currently in, Baylor's Film and Digital Media department. It's most definitely not one they're proud of.

I think it's one thing to talk about it from afar and another to witness it. I have friends in Rio and family in Belo Horizonte (about an hour's flight away). I've visited both cities for the past two summers, and, especially in the case of Rio, I've noticed some pretty big changes in terms of safety and security.

This comment section is divided into two sections of idiots: The bash apple idiots, and the worship apple idiots. Can I please see some intelligent discussion?

Ha. Been to Belo each of the past two summers (my dad's home city), and I've seen all of this construction going on. It's pretty neat to see where things have come in just a year. Belo's airport, stadium, and even highways have seen improvement. Granted, it's still an ugly (and dangerous) city to visit, but it should

Those General Grievous minifigures... No. Had the one that came with his ship, and it broke WAY too easily, along with the little droid figures. Lego sent me replacement parts (great customer service) but those broke too.

I think calling Walter Isaacson's book appalling is pretty simple-minded. It was neither flattering nor bashing of Jobs. In my opinion, it captured pretty well a life that was full of ups and downs.

Oh my God. Legos and Morgan Freeman. That's the best thing ever.

I figured Newt might offer to take it to his planned moon base!

Exactly. I am also a bit concerned about their use by the military if the term "terrorist" continues to get broader, especially in light of laws like the Patriot Act and the NDAA. There's nothing to fear yet, that's for sure, but in time there could be.

In our current situation, you're right! Drones aren't a threat with our current government and leaders. That being said, they COULD fall into the wrong hands in the future, and if we've continually acted as if our rights mean nothing, there could be problems. The real "idiots" are the people who simply toss out

I'm saying continued expansion of drone use is very real and is worthy of concern, regardless of what this writer says.

The thing is, I'm not scared of drones. I understand that as of right now they aren't really a threat to anyone, save for terrorists in a combat zone or people here running from the police. That being said, I thing continued expansion of drone use by our government, police agencies, and individuals, is definitely a

I'm really not sure what the point of this article is. Are you saying that my concern with the use of highly invasive and faceless technology by our government is simply an unfounded, knee-jerk reaction?

Let's just continue to sacrifice our privacy a little bit more. Sure, it doesn't hurt now, but the more we give, the more they take. In the past 13 years we've gotten the Patriot Act, the NDAA, and other bills or executive orders that infringe upon our right to privacy. We're screwed if someone with evil intent comes

I want vocals to be pretty identical, but, musically, do whatever you want. Live truly shows the talents of the musicians.

I have three SX70s, an Alpha model, an original model, and a Sonar model. Doesn't matter which one I'm using; the experience is amazing! For someone who's grown up knowing nothing but the digital age, using an old SX70 is a nice escape.

Let's counter a stupid article's attempt to be funny with a seriously stupid response!

Just because Apple is trying to catch up in other markets automatically makes them a follower... That makes perfect sense! Wait a minute, maybe it doesn't. Without these products Apple invented, there wouldn't even be a market for their opponents' products. Companies are always going to look for a way to cut into the

Favorite band by far. Check out their newer stuff, though. It's just as good!