
iMiEV driver here. Live about an hour south of Fort Worth, and the car generally has a range of 50 miles on a good day. I've been commuting to Dallas quite a bit this summer because of a film I've been working on, and a lot of that has been in the iMiEV. The range thing is a bit scary at times, and it does take some

I find those orange lights so unnerving.

Thomas EDISON. Sheesh.

Wow,thanks. pretty sure that's the boot type. Mine looks exactly like the one pictured, so there's no branding on it, but I assume that's because it was made for military use. As for using them above 4oF, that's pretty much all mine have seen! I've worn them so many times during the heat of summer here in Texas. They

Do you know that specific boot type? I have a pair I bought several years ago at an army surplus store, but I have no idea about their origins or branding.

I agree wholeheartedly!

It takes some practice to get good at it, but I'd definitely recommend it if you use your GoPro as a point and shoot.

I'm referring to when using the steadicam, which has to be hand held. I definitely see the value of GoPros for action shots.

Here's another thing I got to test at Baylor. They sent several of these to the FDM department, so one day our professor brought them in, along with a real steadicam rig, to test out. There's not too much to them, but they work fairly well. Considering GoPros aren't the highest production value cameras out there,

Looks good enough to me.

Yeah, perception really is everything. Thanks for the tip!

That sounds like a lot of fun, actually. One of my New Year's goals is to hunt and clean my own food... I live in rural Texas and never learned.

I got to test the Oculus Rift at a study at Baylor. 2o minutes felt like an eternity with that thing. I definitely felt sick when playing it, and I don't get queasy easily. I do think there's a lot of potential for it, but there's a ton of room for improvement still. I definitely think they'll have to develop games

The Texan in me longs to experience weather like this at least once in my lifetime. Then again, it's 42 degrees outside my house currently, and I'm cold.

Polaroid is more of a brand now, yes, but they're still a company. They're definitely not worthy of the name anymore, though.

You're right, it's very easy to make fun of things that we think are silly. I used to pick on this girl I knew who was a Wiccan, gave her a heck of a time. That being said, I've since learned that it's probably the crappiest thing you could do to somebody or even to yourself. It totally takes away from any real

I know I shouldn't scoff at technology, but come on. Their instant films were so much more appealing. They should partner up with Impossible and make real instant cameras instead.

You have to be that person, don't you? Why can't you just let people believe whatever the heck they want without trying to insult/incite anger?

A few years ago I sold my used macbook pro in Brazil for the same price I bought for in the states. This year, I'm selling my iPhone 4s to pay for my 5s. It's really insane how inflated prices are there.

Saying that the problem is the worst thing you can say about Obama's presidency is simply outstanding to me. Look, I'm definitely not going to say he's the worst president we've ever had; he's had some great successes. But seriously, there's been a ton of crap since 2009, too.