
If he voiced a popular Looney Toon, it would be anti-Yosemite-Sam-semi-Semitism!

What, like people actually know stuff about those books?

Netflix streams the episodes one frame per hour for six hundred years.

It's the pits when they do, though.

Camera pans slowly over photo of WWI trenches taken with a selfie stick and B&W filter.

Excuse me, but John Hodgman would not describe The Return of the King as a novel. The Lord of the Rings is a novel, The Return of the King is its third volume.

Then they're describing the metaphorical element of transubstantiation as literally occurring just for rhetorical emphasis, which is exactly my point.

Right, but if you cut a partaker open there's no foreign blood in their stomach, so there's at least some literal level where it has not changed form and then the theological debate devolves into what 'literal' means in the situation. I'm fine with both belief in transubstantiation and using 'literally' for emphasis,

The idea that communion wine is literally the blood of Christ shows that people have been misusing 'literally' for a long time.

You must not go to a lot of department stores.


They were always basically linear but the earlier games had a more haphazard design that made it less obvious. In Black and White it's literally "Move to new area, find there's only one way that isn't temporarily blocked, solve plot problem, beat Gym Leader, get alerted to new plot event the instant you leave the gym"

As I mentioned last week I'm playing Pokémon White 2, and I'd forgotten how frustratingly linear the more recent games are. They don't do anything to conceal the pattern of Gym Leader -> plot obstacle -> next Gym Leader while blocking every other path.

"The Generals were due!"

It wasn't the highway, it was the Nissan Leaf.

I'm still waiting for They Might Be Giants' II Palindrome II.

I'm the Gorramed Batman!

Unfortunately, his screenshot cropping system is operated by a plastic drinking bird.

It's only a matter of time before the East Coast/West Coast podcast feuds start kicking off.