
@PhDelish hearts KG: If you mean "nitrogen based" in the same way that we and every other species on Earth is "carbon based", no, that's not what they're driving at. What makes carbon so good for creating life is that it can make multiple bonds with other atoms, up to four. That means you can get very long, complex

Look, everyone, we have to cut the Genius in question a little slack here.

Mass Effect 2 hands down for me. A phenomenal game that kept all the best elements of the first one, whilst fixing most of its problems.

If SMW was on the 3DS it would guarantee a sale to me.

@v6sonoma: Hey buddy, wanna try something new? It's called Civilization 4. It's totally cool, no side effects or nothin'. And the first turn is free... Yeah, that's certainly possible. Bottom line is that searching the market only from your device isn't cutting it for real world users, and there are plenty of ways around it. You can search, but only from your device, not the website. I think the intent is that only apps that will actually work on your phone will show up in the search - obviously a search via the website won't have that filter. Thus Google doesn't allow it to avoid frustration when a user finds a cool-looking

@xvkarbear: She uses something called Dramamine. It's over the counter and it works for her in most cases. Or talk to your doc. Hope it helps!

@Son-of-MonsterChalk: She was just an assistant, not a professor. It sounds about right to me, they make only a little more than that in my lab here in LA where the cost of living is far higher than in Oklahoma.

@PinkSabbath: Wow, that sucks. The funny thing is that I was just on the Shure website today, and they had a warning that by government mandate they could no longer accept 700 MHz equipment for repair. I was confused as to why this is the case until I read your post.

Call me back when Olivia Munn licks it.

You know who I blame for this? Gizmodo. You angered The Jobs by leaking the iPhone 4 before He was ready, and now He's exacting His terrible revenge.

No love for Android?

@OGHowie: You amateur. A buddy of mine has this down to a fine art. When the 3GS came out, he convinced his mom that she wanted an iPhone, but didn't need the power of the newest version. He then had her get a 3GS and swapped it for his old 3G. Both were happy. He's now done the exact same thing with his fiancee -

Get back to me when this has gone through randomized controlled clinical trials, has been proven to work safely and is approved for use by the FDA. Until then, it's just another herbal "miracle cure". In the meantime, if I cut myself and I want to use something like Neosporin to prevent infection, I'll reach for a

@nutbastard: Because he's so fucking hot, that son of a bitch. ;)

@mexi1010: I would love that too. I'm terrible at fighting games - I just end up button mashing. But if I could knee someone in the face by, well, kneeing them in the face then I could actually see myself having fun.

@Malorkis: The presence of the lights is probably more to do with providing optimal conditions for the myriad TV and digital cameras at these demos. E3 is first and foremost a press event.