
@Mooncow27: It can't measure your weight from your dimensions because there's no way for it to know your density. It can't guess either, since a 200 pound athlete at 4% body fat will be much more dense than a 200 pound couch potato at 25% body fat. Too many variables. You'd have to weight yourself and then tell it

@xvkarbear: Question for you: Does taking a medication like Dramamine help with video game induced motion sickness? It works for my wife when she has motion sickness from actual motion (the only time it has failed her was on a ferry in a really bad storm). Would that help you or not?

@iamenrique: @Stradigos: I fully expect you two to marry these amazing ladies by the end of the year. Hop to it, chaps.

@punisher1135: Yes, I know that. I was pointing out that I'd never played that particular game and I haven't owned any Nintendo console in a long time, not that these two observations are related in any way. It might finally be time to break my Nintendo drought.

At serious risk of damaging my gamer cred here, I have a confession:

@Anubis LG: Such is the way with gadgets, brother.

@Anubis LG: Every PS3 is 3D compatible, that doesn't mean your TV is too.

Oh so pretty. Every nerd needing his own personal fully functional HendricksBot is why robotics research is so critical.

@TundraWolf: I've enjoyed your posts, and I agree in principle that if everything went North Korea's way, this could happen. That's where it breaks down though - the international community simply wouldn't let North Korea have everything their own way.

@ManiacalEskimo: I think in the backstory of this game the US is crippled financially, and has suffered a major flu epidemic. Thus, they don't have the money or the manpower to keep the fleets operational. That's how I'm suspending disbelief for this game, anyway. ;p

@lantic: I know, that's what I was getting at. They've been ITV for a good reason for decades, but I thought they'd jumped on the bandwagon and changed it to iTV when I read this Giz article. It wouldn't surprise me if some marketing genius was paid millions of pounds coming up with that one.

@lantic: For one awful moment I thought they'd bowed to the iEverything fad and decapitalised the I after however many decades.

I actually played the original SimCity exclusively on my SNES. No reason why this franchise can't work on a console. And now we won't be limited to just two save slots :)

@hayesr: It's amazing how physically fit F1 (and I'd guess NASCAR) drivers have to be. What people don't realise is that whenever they corner, they are pulling significant g forces. They have to actively resist these forces in order to maintain control of the vehicle. Their muscles are constantly engaging and relaxing

@Hamslicer: Unfortunately I was rinsing with mouthwash before bed when I read your comment.

Android. I'm using XDAndroid on my old HTC Fuze at the moment. Originally it was to tide me over until WinPho7 hit, but now that I've spent time using Android on a daily basis MS will have to hit it out of the park for me to switch back.

There's always someone who will have the knee-jerk reaction that video games = bad.

One teensy problem with this article: In the section titled "Which ones are the worst?" you have Resistance: Retribution in bold. Initially I took this to mean that you were including Resistance as one of the bad games. This confused me since I had heard it was good, so I read a little deeper and you were actually