
There is no way the author's plan will work for me - I'm simply too tall to be comfortable in economy class. The times I have managed to fall asleep in economy, I have awoken with my shins rubbed red raw on the bottom of the seat in front of me. Not fun. Fortunately, I have developed an alternative plan for sleeping

Why have yottabytes, when you can have... megabytes?

@skraelingshortbus: I'm using DoubleTwist to manage my music on my Droid. Like it so far. It's nice to have a choice rather than being stuck with iTunes. It works for a lot of people, but some of us just don't like it.

@Hiphopopotamus: That was my first thought too. Call me Mr. Cynical.

Isn't a post with a title like this more appropriate over at Fleshbot?

@MarcusMaximus: Ah, thank you for informing me of the distinction. I appreciate it.

@Philip Han: Three processors, each of which is dual core. Ergo, it has six cores.

Yeah, it's single core mobile CPU might be "close to" the clock speed of the 360/PS3's processors in terms of megahertz. But it's hardly an apples-to-apples comparison considering that the 360 has a total of six processing cores and the PS3 eight. Not to mention their dedicated GPUs.

I once played a Rolling Stones CD in my car stereo. After that, my car stereo stopped working. Ergo, I'm suing the Stones, because they obviously broke my stereo.

@gburke: How can something so good be wrong? You know you want it...

You know it's Friday and I'm craving ice cream because I totally misread the headline as "IOGraph Makes Art from Your MOOSE Tracks."

I was under the impression that America was a free market economy. If traditional newspapers aren't making enough money to stay in business, then they should figure out how to change with the times OR GO OUT OF BUSINESS.

@Benedinho: I think that the oil is under pressure naturally. Have you ever seen those old movies where prospectors hit oil and it sprays up into the air until they can cap it off? Once you crack open that deposit, it's going to leak out.

Men's Health magazine has been recommending chocolate milk over Gatorade for years now. It's especially good after lifting weights - it has protein in addition to carbs and electrolytes. It's not a substitute for a proper whey protein shake, but I've used it many times in a pinch.

@OuttaTime: Oh, I agree entirely. I loved that thing. I have many fond memories of whiling away my undergraduate days playing my DC. It was awesome. It should have done a lot, lot better than it did. From that point of view, it WAS a dismal failure. So much promise gone to waste.

@jsalari: lol, I don't think colour had any factor in the failure of this abomination either.