
When watching football, nothing disappoints me more than a fumble bouncing harmlessly out of bounds. The consequences for letting go of the rock should be STARK and DIRE.

I got about thirty seconds through it before I had to stop. The embarrassing lyrics, the generic beats, the cliche videography... The strippers are a bad look given Hardy’s history, and the “crack a bitch” line (and I will admit I could not listen to this crime against eardrums long enough to reach that line) is

What is the ultimate fruit to punt? My friend suggested a grapefruit since it has a great shape and size to cut through the air, and it is also soft enough not to hurt when you punt it. However, it is still strong enough to not disintegrate on contact. Melons would hurt, while berries would be too small. It would have

Well at least the Steelers have one person good at kicking.

I know the Patriots are arrogant, but could they really be THIS arrogant? The stuff about the headsets starting to work right whenever someone approached the NE sideline about it is just, impossible to not see as suspicious. That is honestly the maddest I’ve ever seen Mike Tomlin in an interview. He will give the old

I’m a Niners fan (thank you for your condolences) and I hate most of Seattle and their fans but I will not stand by for any bashing of Lynch. He’s forever the best. If not for his amazing playing abilities and his hatred of the media than for this.

I guess he didn’t care if he ever got back.

It’s like you can’t believe your own eyes.

Let’s all remember that the NFL is a billion dollar operation. Their public relations smells something like some toddlers throwing fingerpaint at the wall.