The fact you write click-bait posts for a blog and consider yourself a journalist speaks for itself.
The fact you write click-bait posts for a blog and consider yourself a journalist speaks for itself.
The people who need an iPhone know who they are. iWill be getting an iPhone not because iConsider myself to be an apple adherent, but because iConsider the iDeas behind the UI and application selection to be iMaginative and iNsightful. iHave no problem making fun of Apple tech. iHave no hesitation iN my calling out of…
You’re a blogger on a site formerly owned by Gawker. You’re not a journalist, Hammy.
Who are you?
Umm maybe having your page (Gawker) shut down due to bad journalism that cost your company everything.
Aka this guy is only here because Gawker isn’t here anymore so he has to post somewhere else in the system.
And this pieces speaks to a huge lack of creativity, originality and journalism.
Maybe Republic Wireless is a better option for you.
My redneck relatives give similar annoying rants.
How so? You wrote an opinion article (which is just fine) but also clearly documented little understanding of the technology involved with the iPhone or any of is competitors. Any of the multifunction hand held phone devices people use today are much more complex then the simple functions you discuss in your article.…
$100 data plan? Stop surfing porn when away from home.
That’s fine. I like Windows, Android, Linux, iOS, and OS 10. Saying you can get similar specs for 1/3 the price is BS though. I would ask that you prove it with a link. Why on earth do you need a blueray drive? Do you watch movies on your laptop? Why not just use Netflix or the other myriad of streaming services?…
“I don’t hate rotary phones at all, they were are fun to use”
I don’t hate rotary phones at all, they were fun to use
hey, rotary phones are great; don’t go hating on a fun piece of technology
Better yet, “you don’t need a cell phone” people got along just fine before they came along. If one is out they are out, if one is away from work then they should not be doing work.
So how do you exactly become senior writer at gizmodo? Apparently write a contrived overstated piece of bullshit masquerading as a “philosophical”piece touting the irrevelence of a piece of technology in a society thst runs upon it .
Not a tech journalist, just a transplant from Gawker.
Maybe you should have chosen a popular career. As a journalist, specifically A TECHNOLOGY journalist, you seem to have trouble understanding how or why technology works. This was like reading an article by a high school student who doesn’t yet grasp everything that goes into a product. The fact that you’ve never met a…
“Seems like all these Apple products cost twice as much as the other stuff,” You’re crazy. The iPhone cost is the same as any other flag ship or “the other stuff”. You don’t need cable, you don’t need the internet, you don’t need a telephone, and you don’t need electricity. These are all conveniences of modern life.…
Never ask a question like that.