The Higgins Boat made the D-Day invasion possible. Imagine where the world would be if this failed?
The Higgins Boat made the D-Day invasion possible. Imagine where the world would be if this failed?
The plane that ended the war in the pacific?
Obvious answer is obvious. Obvious answer is also a horse. The kind of horse made out of meat and a tendency to always inhale when you're tightening the cinch.
The Tank. Changed the Battlefield forever. BUT I would say the V2 Rocket was more historically important. What started with the V2 took us to the Moon.
His reply is AWESOME! yes really!
Candy for everyone!
Are you saying that this is the government's way of winning back the hearts and minds of Arizona's children?
It was cute of you Americans to help out with Normandy. Sorry about your White house.
I was just talking to my agent about tracking that thing down and seeing if we could get it sent to the house and have some fun with it.
Tldr: Doug hates the environment and clubs baby seals
Toyota: Let's Go Places, Unintentionally.
Tesla: Yes, we are better than you.
Toyota: The missionary position of cars.
KIA : Seriously, we are not as Shitty as you Remember...
Toyota: We Know You Don't Give a Shit
This is why I choose not to have friends, and not to do favors.
Tip of the hat to those guys. But is the first guy really just a kid or really short? Like a oompa loompa in a firesuit.