I agree, and I also think Deathproof should be seen as half a movie. So we need another double feature Grindhouse. And no skimping on the fake trailers!
I agree, and I also think Deathproof should be seen as half a movie. So we need another double feature Grindhouse. And no skimping on the fake trailers!
THANK YOU! That last act alone should have put it in the top 10 of the Worst movies of the year.
That's funny because I hate the people who hate Last Jedi as much as I hate the people freaking out over Joker.
Cue all butthurt panicked reactionaries to praise putting Joker on this list.
And it turns him into Mr. Poopy-Butthole from Rick and Morty?
Have you ever danced The Batusi with the Devil in the pale moonlight?
I grok that the bad opinions outnumbered the not so bad ones. As has been the case with most aspects of the AV Club over the past few years.
Joker and Logan were both pretty damn good movies that elevated the comic book film genre. I also don’t think either of them deserve Oscars. I don’t care much for awards. Sure, go ahead and call it average or a Scorcese clone, but Joker doesn’t belong on a list of worst movies. The AV Club and other sites deserve an…
I agree with most of what you say except that Bernie is too old.
“Quibi’s bite too quick, outlasted by its bark" - headline after it gets shut down
Clint Eastwood’s next biopic should be about Ken Bone. Since he likes narratives that at face value could be about a non-partisan integrity but then at the last minute end up being right-wing propaganda.
I’m tired of people saying it’s “hard to defend” Kanye... you should have stopped defending him yearrrrsss ago. I think the last time Kanye was just a talented rapper was around his musical guest spot on Chappelle's Show. Shortly after that he was chasing Kim Kardashian and it's been all downhill from there.
My World Of Flops
Congratulations. And yeah your points stand about the entitled weirdos and the cycles of good and bad years. But if just simply saying he’s not getting as many auditions as he thought after a high profile project is “shooting his mouth off” then it’s no wonder people see that industry as ridiculous as it is. He does…
Spider-Drunk, Spider-Drunk, takes phone calls when he’s spider-drunk. Saves the day, then he cries, tears of joy, super sized. Thank you... thank you to Spider-Drunk!
He got the TV gig before Aladdin. And yeah no shit, it’s not constant. I understand that. What you’re not understanding is that it’s not outlandish for someone to think they’d get more auditions after being in a huge Disney movie. He’s not ungrateful, he’s just looking for a next project. If an actor just said “oh…
If you read the whole article, he's not being ungrateful, he just wants auditions. But I can see getting that reaction by their headline and opening paragraphs.
But they're going to do exactly that anyway. They'll claim this is Exhibit A and use this guy's story to defend Drumpf and completely gloss over, possibly even dispute, that the real bomber was a conservative anti-abortion psycho who would love to vote for Trump. I wonder if the infamous "empty chair" will make a…
I’m not against that idea. Or even with people in costumes, practical effects like the award winning musical? Either option is better than what is shown in the trailer. It looks like a bad early 2000's videogame.
Yeah he was pretty much done with his raving rant, it was like tackling a shooter when he’s out of ammo. I’m sure not allll of Nashville is that bad... (I hope!)