
That mustache is freaky in so many ways.

Are we sure it wasn't an auto-generated survey? Like if you get 6 guest bookings on Oprah the 7th one's free?

They let it go on for a long time. The videos have been edited down. He stopped to sing a terrible drunken rendition of a Creedence Clearwater Revival song before going back to his ranting. Half the place was cheering and half booing. It truly was a microcosm of America. We can only hope our orange crazy uncle gets

Translate it into Latin and it might end up on new printed bills during this administration.

I think the events leading us towards the world’s demise were put into place by people older and in higher positions of authority than these college kids. No comment on anyone's IQ though. This WAS in Florida.

Kinja is the worst comment director. I remember getting previews of what comments people were replying to or liking (not "saving") and when I click on it, it would take me to the comment in question, not the original post and require me to scroll all the way down... and the time limit to edit is stupid too. It should

A vampire dentist would be a dangerous job. Teeth are very important to vampires’ livelihoods and enemies could threaten these dentists to use them for the access to vampires, so ninja skils could be a very important part of the job. Ninja Vampire Dentist. NVD on NBC. 

Can we go to an alternate history where Louis Gossett Jr. is president?

In the comic it was never explained besides “psychic squid”. I understand from the TV episode but it was very vague in the comic. When most people think of the term psychic, you think reading minds, not fatal headaches.

Well, I meant that it was a document with explanations of a crime and deep conspiracy by people in power but some people shrug off as a crazy tinfoil hat rambling.

I never understood that “psychic” part. The closest I finally got to understanding it was during Looking Glass’ origin episode, that it was like an internal sonic hemorrhage? Would that be psionic? I thought psychic was like reading minds or communicating through telepathy. Unless giant squid thoughts would give us

I was hoping that it would help point someone in the right direction of taking down Veidt. Also, I'm surprised (but glad) at the lack of using the term "false flag" to describe the Squid attack. I hate that term. 

The Mueller Report is our universe's Rorschach journal. 

Well I did like Wonder Woman (besides the final villain fight) and Aquaman, so as long as they keep them in their standalone series they seem to work better as opposed to a shared universe. I’m looking forward to Wonder Woman 1984 and The Batman. I think Green Lantern could be good if they focus only on Green Lantern

I am amazed at how incredibly terrible this movie is. I haven’t seen a movie this unintentionally and unexpectedly bad in quite a while.

This meme also describes me watching Replicas at the moment and trying to compute how every single scene is absolutely terrible.

I don't even think those aspects were highlights for me. DC should focus on animated movies and release them in theaters.

Have you seen Replicas with Keanu Reeves? 

Look out! It’s Mecha Conspiracy!

I would love to see a Arnold T-800 lookalike in CyberPunk 2077. Possibly in one of those tech noir bars.