
If this movie came out in the summer I feel it would have done slightly better. I know there’s more competition but there has to be at least one weekend it could have been the top pick. It’s hard for me to want to go to the movies in cold/shitty weather unless someone else is dragging me. In the summer I’m wrangling

I feel like everyone was already middle aged in BB and the difference to now is negligible. As for Mike, Banks was already ancient, Kim wasn’t in BB, and Gus must be using the best exfoliator/moisturizer because he looks the same. The only drastic one was Todd in El Camino.

Marvel Super Corpses

I saw a trailer for this on TV and I thought it was a really bad commercial for some sort of contest where you win an Apple product. 

This marks the first time I'll be looking up a poem for mentions of an orgy. 

How did "How Did That Get Made?" get left off? I guess because it's only one pick per contributor sadly. WTF is still the grandaddy in my opinion, even though I haven't heard it in forever. 

I love the damn theme song. 

I haven’t played it yet but heard good things. The main building was inspired by an AT&T building in lower Manhattan, which is cool knowing that now every time I pass by it.

I’m with you on Penny Dreadful and Raising Hope. Penny Dreadful was a pleasant surprise after I found myself unable to get into Hemlock Grove but still wanted a “Dark Universe” style show. Raising Hope was a wonderful spiritual successor to My Name Is Earl, one of my favorites. Plus, it started my crush on Shannon


I am so ready to sign a petition for a Danger 5 season 3.

I don’t know, I’ve kept recommending it to people and hardly anyone of my friends has heard of it, and I didn’t see it on many lists. Plus with it getting axed while they still had at least another season to wrap up, I definitely consider it underrated.

Boy has it been good to be a casual fan of Star Wars and not be that invested in the new trilogy. Having been too young for the original trilogy, I enjoyed the Special Edition of New Hope and looked forward to the prequels, but witnessed them fall significantly short of the mark. I've learned my lesson.

Captain E-Ohhhhhh Noooo

It's bad, it's bad, you know it, it's BAD

I just came here for the mocking and nostalgia. Not disappointed. 

Wow, so 82 trucks, not including the talent. I don't think musical concerts are the number one priority in reducing emissions, but for bands that aren't starving for merch income or promotion, holding back on a tour for one album isn't a bad idea. Also, just noticed that line about Bono's glasses. That's like a tour

Which one has used the most cliches? The amnesia, long lost evil relative, secret twin brother, baby kidnapping, amnesia? My mother watched All My Children and, hoo boy, that was a doozie. The funniest moment was when my mom walked in & saw the scene with Shaggy performing for Kelly Rippa and her husband and wondering

That name is straight from a soap opera. Are they living in the world of Delirious? The movie where John Candy's soap script comes to life?

Maggie shot her. The blood lust was not satiated after shooting Burns.