I was with you first but then I felt like, you know what, I bet these people use the Royal We, so let's go with the Royal Our.
I was with you first but then I felt like, you know what, I bet these people use the Royal We, so let's go with the Royal Our.
For Murray I felt like he was very likely going to kill Murray and then himself. Whether or not it was going to be Arthur or Murray, that one was the only premeditated murder in my opinion. I forgot to include the mother earlier but I feel like he only wanted to confront her about the adoption file and decided on the…
Well he was planning on someone dying, and the rest I don't think he was until right before the act.
Top Five seemed pretty progressive to me. Unless they were rooting for his shallow reality tv obsessed fiance? While you could say that’s an overused stereotype, I could say we still have them all over the place, even visiting the oval office. Plus, that DMX cameo was up there with Bill Murray in Zombieland for me.
Always Be My Maybe might be up your alley.
Does the cab fill up with foam instead of using airbags like in Demolition Man? Are there sea shells in the glove compartment? Is this a poorly thought out stealth CyberPunk 2077 promotion?
If you think about how much of an environmental footprint is used for one concert, then multiply by how many dates are in a tour, and compare it to one 2-hour long YouTube video, I’m sure it ends being better, considering how many terrabytes of videos are on those streaming servers.
Wait, I think Crystal Skull would be improved by Indiana Jeff.
I don’t see why they can’t just shut everyone up by saying these alternate endings and the “Snyder Cut” will be released as bonus features on DVD.
You forgot to end the comment with "/s" to show sarcasm. It was enjoyable but there were plenty of issues with the last few seasons.
Holy moly. I'm from Queens and have only met friends who've lived or visited Roosevelt Island, never been firsthand. Now I want to go just to check out the restaurant.
One of the great things about the movie was the chaos was unintentional. His only premeditated murders were the Murray and the therapist at the end. The 3 Wayne street bros, and the co-worker were spur of the moment choices made in confrontations he didn't instigate. The cop being attacked on the train wasn’t even…
They will just claim NASA & George Soros are holding him hostage in the basement of Comet Ping Pong pizzeria.
Dumb Watergate 2: The Most Dumbest Perfect Scandal
Damn. And it’s too late to adjust my testimony, I mean comment.
I like the idea. Maybe not just Hulk though. Perhaps a rotation of a small handful of characters doing cameos.
It's okay, even if a joke is dead, it still has a hard-on in the bathroom for a few more hours.
John Oliver was so on the money calling this Dumb Watergate. (It referred to another scandal but all of Trump's scandals are so obviously dumb.)
Update: Into The Jokerverse - we take the premise of Heath Ledger’s final film, the Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus, where multiple actors play the same shapeshifting entertainer and apply it to the character of The Joker. We use footage of him from The Dark Knight, possibly deleted scenes?, and when he’s locked up in…
Tubman was operating the underground railroad in secret, like a....spy?