I assume at some point someone asked about C. Thomas Howell. “If he could play a black man in Soul Man, why not a black woman?" says the coke-snorting executive.
I assume at some point someone asked about C. Thomas Howell. “If he could play a black man in Soul Man, why not a black woman?" says the coke-snorting executive.
Harriet WHATman??!!
This reminds me of Danger 5 season 2 where they time travel to the 80's to find Hitler hiding out as a popular high school senior.
I just saw the post above and now see that natural log is a mathematical term and not just one regular year. (I assumed it was just scientific babble talk for one recorded birth year in human years.)
Ohhhhh ok. I had no idea what natural log was. That screwed me up.
Ok so just saying 1 dog year = 31 human years is different from saying 16 x ln (2 variables?, letter L and letter N) and the dash in dog-age I misread for a minus symbol. But..... for a 1 year old dog the formula would be 1 year x 16 + 31... so why isn't a 1 year old dog 47 in dog years? There's some other functions…
Yeah that Pa Kent was the worst. I could see a deleted scene with him saying "remember Clark, healthcare is a privilege not a right."
37!? Try not to make any comic book movies on the way to the parking lot!
Yeah an example should have been provided by the journal because I'm gonna still go with dog age x 7 until it's clearly explained.
I totally agree. I remember a time in the mid 90s wondering "are these Star Wars prequel rumors true? Will it finally happen?" And now I'm like "I'm willing to bet good money there will be a Star Wars theme park on the moon in my lifetime."
I would love to see the first season of Breaking Bad through Mike and Saul and Gus’ viewpoints and have it end somewhere near when they actually meet Walt. Then jump to our present day Cinnabonic Universe with Saul's new identity. (Shit what was it again? Greg?)
Into The Jokerverse
Unbalk - Merriam Webster's 2019 Word of the Year
Unfortunately Drumpf is immune to being cancelled. Let's see if he is immune to being impeached, or hopefully at the very least immune to re-election.
I feel like the mocking is more towards the “hello fellow teens” tone of the PR initiative than against voting itself.
+1 for Boourns
A missed opportunity for the article to grace us with the"it can be two things" line.
I hate the generation names (none will be cooler than Gen-X) but I’m glad we have a push to get out the vote since we need to at least try to get the youngens to get off their phones for 5 mins and try to thwart off a Trump re-election.
I hate that the generation after Gen-X is called millenial by many people. I prefer Gen-Y and calling Gen-Z “millenials." These are the kids who don't know a world without the internet. They only know the new millennium. We got screwed with a stupid name.
Yeah I understand the sentiment but one day I was thinking, "channels are so 90s, it should be a streaming app" and exactly 1 second after, I remembered it's just YouTube. What MTV needs is Beavis and Butt-head. The 2011 revival season wasn't bad and their MST3K meets music is still a great formula.