
There’s a lot of characters from the comics that I don’t remember but I knew Dante was a villain when he had to take over for Sidiq in the infirmary and it was full of sick people and he’s like oh I just didn’t wanna bother anyone, you know alerting you to the plague we got going on. Then there were so many other

I believe they mean stories within the Watchmen universe.

I also think we could replace The Rock and Sam Jackson as the 2 super cops who have a hilarious demise in the opening with Jon Hamm and Matthew McConaughey.

At these prices they should be selling the originals. But it IS for charity, so, oh alllllright.

I’ll have to look them up. I do think early Elton John or Fleetwood Mac might be an okay fit as well. Next question, does Ferrell or Wahlberg get the mini curl perm? And I think a brief cameo by Stiller & Wilson’s Starsky and Hutch would be fun.

Okay, now what band does 70's porn-stache Keaton quote when giving talks to his officers? The Bee Gees?

Yeah, that's the thing about opinions, we all have em.

I actually do want to rewatch Citizen Kane, at least just to see Xanadu again.

Hey it might not be for everyone but if you ever change your mind you can join us in the soup kitchen in the backseat of this Toyota Prius.

Yeah, I do remember that movie being much better than I was expecting. Now I could see a sequel "the Other Nice Guys" with Will Ferrell paired up with Russell Crowe and Ryan How long paired up with Mark Wahlberg. 

Good call. I was associating it as 2010 because of Dark Knight Rises being from 2012. But I would still include it in place of The Dark Knight. 

It was the Baywatch of the 70s. But Baywatch wasn't Charlie's Angels of the 90s, it was just a prequel to the Pam Anderson sextape.

Good Time was intense. Definitely on my list. 

There’s a handful of comedies and comic book movies left out, but I rarely agree with these lists anyway so I don’t care. I would say Guardians Of The Galaxy, Iron Man 1, Thor Ragnarok, and Captain America Civil War would be my top MCU choices. Then there’s The Dark Knight and Joker from DC. For comedies I would say

He has also hated on Bernie fans on Instagram. I still like Hannibal, but yeah this is kind of a wack streak from him. 

While "burning up the screen" can be a metaphor for great performances, I think this film can possibly make a movie theater burst into flames.

The show debuted 19 years ago and we’re on season 38? Good Lord, 2 seasons a year of this crap. I have a particular hate for reality TV and this dumb show is the grand-daddy that spawned so many worse programs. I know MTV’s the Real World is to blame as well but that started in the early 90s and was relegated to just

Things will get interesting in a few years when Apple & Disney merge and Disney invents new ways to beam Star Wars into our heads.

I know they all run out eventually but I thought that was more despite their efforts, and they chose arbitrary lengths of time because they assumed if they wrote in perpetuity, then it might not have gotten passed. I just didn’t get the feeling that “and at x point in time, everyone is expected to share” as part of

I've heard of musical artists switching labels before but this is the first I'm ever hearing about someone not being able to play their own music in a live performance because of another record label owning a portion of their catalogue.