
I was hoping they were joking when they said adults will have to Google these characters. Cartoon Network, and eventually Boomerang, were basically founded on these characters. They lead to Space Ghost Coast to Coast, which is singlehandedly responsible for Adult Swim. Get it together AV peeps.

Oh I heard it was over a while ago, but if that was incorrect or just speculation then I’m glad and looking forward to more wonderful existential dread.

Yeah that movie did not pass off the mantle to the Kristin Wiig team. I didn’t hate the (first 2/3rds of the) movie, but those cameos don’t bridge the gap. I also feel like Paul Rudd could have made the reboot better. But I’m more interested if Slimer and Annie Potts are coming back. I know Rick Moranis is the least

This movie has already been confirmed here on the AV Club, it’s listed in pre-production on IMDB with Ivan Reitman's son directing, and Bill Murray has appeared in the Ghostbusters game and the Ghostbusters 2016 reboot. So at this point, I’m wondering if the writers here just had too much Crystal Skull vodka with

No, what they should have done is bought the rights to the sitcom Corporate from Comedy Central, hired back the 2 stars/creators, & got Stiller and Scott to add more star power to the show like DeVito did in Always Sunny season 2. Corporate was underrated.

The solution is Delete Twitter. (I push that philosophy to everyone nowadays.)

Whenever I hear about Lovecraft now, I think of the monsters in the Black Book worlds from Skyrim: The Dragonborn DLC. Those things were creepy as all hell.

I believe you meant "what fresh Hell is this?"

I hope Suge gets free... then promptly runs the both of them over.

Acoustic? You oughtta know that the heavy distortion from that album was some of my favorite parts of it.

Ben Affleck, Mr. Bean, and Donald Duck as hypnotized Manchurian candidate style assassins sounds like a decent made-for-tv movie. We can throw in a scene where Affleck gets hypnotized to act as his famous roles before settling on murder-assassin mode. Mr. Bean will be the sole survivor of course after the Mexican

I had no idea, or conveniently forgot, about this side of his career and will gladly try to listen to the album based on his My Cousin Vinny character. Not because of the music, mind you, but it seems like it could be pretty funny. Like unintentionally hilarious. 

Nothing will top La Blue Girl. (I think that's the correct title? I'm not googling that at work.)

Nathan Fielder clearly pitched this and the same person who missed the Starbucks cup on GOT let this slip through.

The United States has no official language so every language should be eligible. If they want it to actually mean international then they should accept any country that us outside the U.S. This is needlessly complicated and also I hate awards shows.

The premise kind of reminds me of Horace and Pete in that was kind of weekly and had timely aspects to it. 

Nope. Nope, nope, nope. It’s one thing for them to use archive footage, but to have someone else play him doing a character isn't right. If they want to make a movie about James Dean, then sure cast someone as him. But you cannot cast James Dean using new footage because, guess what, he’s dead. We can get a new album

Looks like the next episode of Black Mirror just wrote itself.

Spider-verse was fun and very well executed but I think all this praise is a little bit exaggerated. Just a tiny bit. 

It’s ridiculous how quickly they made that dumb film.