
It’s not parents in general or moms. Men have to solve this problem. Men have to stop paying MRAs and PUAs to tell them they are entitled to love/sex. Men have to loudly reject people like Jordan Peterson when they state sex is the only thing preventing them from going berserk on humanity. Men have to talk to their

Bat Cavers in my neck of the woods. By the 90s, it was goth, but that was a new title.

This. I am part of a couple of online Suicide survivors groups for parents, I lost my 16 year old daughter two years ago. Dylan Klebolds mother had the fucking audacity to become a member of one group. She then told us how her son had been victimized, that he was a sweet quiet young man, AND THEN TRIED RO SELL US HER

You don’t even want to know the regimen involved when goths go on beach holiday.

Absolutely. I can’t believe it’s 2018 and we’re still citing trench coats as a shorthand for murdering. I bet Marilyn Manson’s ears are burning.

If your kid becomes a mass murderer, the proper response is to apologize to the victims, say you didn’t see it come but wish you had and make no further comment. On the opposite end, what you absolutely don’t do is blame it on other people. “Oh, he was bullied at school.” Fuck you dude.

The “shooter was bullied” narrative comes straight from Columbine, where it’s been totally debunked.

Sure, Mr. Pagourtzis. The natural progression from being bullied is murdering scores of others. JFC. I’m so sick of this “my son was bullied” excuse. I was bullied ruthlessly in school, but I didn’t turn that shitshow into a mass shooting. You grow up and realize it makes you stronger. Of course, I’m a woman, so what

YES YES YES. That’s the real story here- the guns. WTF were they doing with guns within reach of their weird kid. Or any kid. All this bullying and loneliness stuff strikes me as a distraction.

I cannot imagine what it would feel like to wake up and be confronted with a mass murder perpetrated by your child. That being said, maybe it’s best to lay low for a while? This “sweet child” will see his day in court; save your defense for The Defence and wait for the bodies of his victims to cool.

The media may be reporting that, but people in this area are not buying it. My whole office has nothing but contempt for the shooter’s family trying to play like he is a victim. Most people want the father arrested too- for failing to secure his firearms. People are pissed.

If you are a creepy, harassing asshole, people aren’t not nice to you because they are bullies. They are not nice to you because you are a creepy, harassing asshole.

I don’t know if there is a “right” way for parents to behave and speak out after something like this but this feels gross to me. Apologize for what your child did and then shut up. I’m sure it’s hard to process something like this but it’s just not the same thing as having your child murdered in cold blood, ESPECIALLY

You’ve COMPLETELY missed the point.

Same. I’m on testosterone, 6' and 200lbs. I used to be a amateur MMA fighter, a state finals placing wrestler, and a hockey player. I’m as dude as dude comes. Physically imposing with a background of combat sports training.

They always forget about trans men in these arguments, don’t they?

I don’t even have words anymore for these depraved bigots.

“I, a natural-born woman with a completely normal level of empathy and no internalized misogyny, am perfectly comfortable with putting another woman in harms way, in a fucking mens prison where she will be humiliated and degraded every day and *actually* suffer injuries when she is forced to use the bathroom and

This is the sort of talking points that trans-exclusionary radfems are hoping will pull more weight in their fight to push trans folks out of society. They can pull up maybe five total examples that aren’t completely taken out of context, and even those are usually grossly misinterpreted in order to further their