
I’m sorry, what podunk-ass college did you go to? There were literally hundreds of people in my dorm room, I’m not going to visually catalogue every single one of them so that I can decide whether to call the cops on someone taking a nap.

In what part of her learning to be a functioning adult did this white woman pick up the idea that the appropriate way to handle a situation like this was to confront the person as if it’s your job to run the common areas AND feel “within her right” to call the cops about something that’s not a crime?

no dude, she’s an awful person and a genuine burden on everyone who has to put up with her, and I’d imagine from your post that you are too. Try not to call the police on your neighbors TOO often this week, you might strain your aching concern for others that just happens to manifest in inconvenience to everyone who

Okay, I’m fucking tired of the whole “open dialogue” bullshit.

The fact that white people look at this scenario and think the cops did the right thing by checking this woman’s papers is the actual entire problem.

I’m sure that the grad student was just protecting her collection of first edition Gloria Steinem books.

If we allow black women to sleep, then we allow black women to dream. Can’t have that.

Well this is horrible, but at least it makes me feel better about being rejected by Yale for graduate school if they let in this idiot who never learned that 911 is for EMERGENCIES.

Yes it is. I’m a CT local. And racist incidents among the so-called progressive crowd don’t surprise me in the least.

I love how we’re too dumb to be an actual Ivy League student but somehow we are sneaky enough to fake school IDs and move into a dorm room we dont belong in. Contradiction and hypocrisy are the shampoo and conditioner of white peoples’ bullshit

Someone get Becky MayIspeakwithyourmanager’s name out there.

Isn’t it in the same state where another Becky McWhitetears basically tried to kill her roommate with biohazards and only got a slap on the wrist and nothing on her permanent record?

And this isn’t even the first time! Terrorizing fellow students and wasting the time of the police (this ranks so very low on my list of priorities, but if there were ever to be consequences for her bleached ass, this would be the deciding factor I’m sure) demonstrating clearly that she is a disrupting factor on

And yet Becky McWhitetears will face no consequences from the university or police.

A traumatic childhood, or adulthood for that matter, does not give you carte blanch to rape children. No way.

Mental illness doesn’t mean you get to rape and anally rape thirteen year old girls. Or anyone else, for that matter.

He never claimed he didn’t do it. He’s always been open that he did. But he claims he took the plea on the understanding he’d get time served (he had spent time in a court mandated rehab.) But the judge was about to give him significantly more time due to public outrage.

Right?! I’m so sick of his boohoo poor me routine- you’re super rich and living in fucking Paris!! STFU and enjoy life you asshole!