
It’s insane. If they had met her while in custody and then decided to meet up and have sex at a later time, I’d think their attempt and creating a consent narrative would have like at least some possible leg to stand on... but a person in custody... how could a cop (ESPECIALLY A COP) think that person could consent.

(Also, come on, no one is wasting their expensive edibles on your tiny vampire. Just trust.)

Why is it these arseholes always try to use the “separate the artist from the art” defence.

Well, the cinématique française can go and fuck itself.

Manafort was Trump’s campaign chairman, which the article mentions. And the case was built by Mueller, who got the role because Trump fired Comey. Really, I don’t see the article pushing hard to tie this to Trump...other than the connections I mentioned. From your sudden need to defend him, you’d think the writer made

The purpose of a church is not to judge but to act as support when things go wrong. It really should not be a place where you have to deal with racism.

As a mixed race american (mom white/dad African Immigrant), I can say that I have heard many of the comments made by your former congregants. Its actually the reason i have more or less lost faith in formal congregations in general. Its easy for someone, in a racially monolithic community to imagine they are not

God this is fucking stupid. Not you, the former congregation.

Thank you, I loved reading this.

Great ideas. One word of caution though: personal trainers and their managers can be endlessly nagging and pushy. I have never seen one give up without a fight. Once you’ve had that intro session they think they’ve got you.
I had an intro session at my local LA Fitness, told them that I wasn’t interested in

Kind of like the friend-of-a-friend who was a dyed in the wool Libertarian who is now only alive due to getting his cancer treated by our socialist medical system here in Canada.

“If thine enemy offend thee, give his child a drum.”—sticker on a musician friend’s guitar case

It’s over 200 women now. We’re obviously going to need a counter to deal with this...

193 more women

I dunno. When I was growing up, it was just no means no. In the last, oh, 7 years or so is when I remember enthusiastic consent being talked about. And weird shit went down when I was in college and kind of everyone was OK with it or glossed so much of it over. I think not knowing about consent, but waiting for a no

Yup. And season two when Willow told him to tell Buffy she can re-soul Angel, Xander didn’t. He just looked at Buffy and said “Willow says good luck”.

Watching the show again and again has made me decide that Xander sucked and had major woman hating issues

Yes! The “I don’t remember anything about being a hyena but actually I totally do” was fucking terrible! Like, he had the nerve to ask “Did I do anything else embarrassing?” as if what he did was just embarrassing, not attempted rape. I’ve been rewatching the series recently and I did a serious double take at the end

Yeah, he was always kind of a creep.

Xander intentionally neglects to provide Buffy with life-threatening information about Willow’s attempt to reinvoke Angel’s curse, instead telling Buffy to “kick his ass”. This betrays Willow’s trust and endangers Buffy. After Buffy comes back from her L.A. freakout over having to send her lover to hell, Xander calls