Must suck to be his identical twin brother.
Must suck to be his identical twin brother.
“Agents of SHIELD” is my favorite Mutant Enemy / Whedonverse series now. A large, racially diverse cast featuring multiple complex women, briskly paced storylines, a tone that’s badass and funny and heartfelt. And the obvious male audience stand-in niceguy characters (smart but socially awkward white guy in jealous…
He should have died in the finale instead of Anya. He didn’t even GAF about her sacrifice.
I’m doing some reading on the webz. Sounds like he has had trouble with depression and substance abuse for a long time. And it sounds mean that I don’t want to give him a pass for this translating into abusive behavior, but male celebs always seem to get positive attention for this. Women, on the other hand are just…
I’d heard some problematic things about Joss, but this confirms that I must hate him. I couldn’t watch that show specifically because of Xander.
1) let’s revisit season 6. The worst monsters are the every day men in our lives.
Xander’s the fucking worst
Wow, this is confusing and frustrating because it looks like outside of the vaccine (I’m past the age) all one can do is wonder if one ever got an infection and wait for the cancer.
Something this story doesn’t mention: When Tellis was arrested for this crime, he was incarcerated in Louisiana awaiting trial for the torture and brutal murder of another young woman. He bragged to friends that he tortured that victim to death to make her give him her ATM pin, and he used her card to withdraw…
After being immolated I’m shocked she was able to say anything. I can’t imagine in what universe somebody would think that was conducive to cogent speech. Said she looked like a zombie and moved the responders to tears. Fuck I’d have cried too, that’s so fucking sad.
Mommy, what are those people doing?
THIS. I used to live across from a hotel and I saw everything, not only naughtiness but also people in all stage of undress at all times of the day. It’s like people on holiday/traveling for work are physically incapable of closing blinds. Or they just blatantly DGAF.
Why are these people complaining? I live across from a hotel. This is a feature not a bug.
People still ride fixies with clip ons and no brakes? 2008 called and said you stole its bike and handlebar mustache.
It must be pointed out to the condo owners who bought in this fancy building that if they had enough money to buy on a higher floor, the goings on in the park would be less visible. Nothing shuts up kvetches like this as quickly as implying that they are cheap.
Boy I sure am glad we avoided the corrupt-as-all-hell Hillary Clinton!
My friend once invited me and another girlfriend to her house to have dinner, drink some wine, play some games, and catch up. It ended up being 3 endless hours of talking about kids and child birth. I kept trying to change the subject but they would not be deterred. I just sat there trying to figure out when I could…
“We literally didn’t have any ideas, so we just killed off the main female character in order to juice up the plot.”